All you Insane people! Or p90x, or hard workers! Come here!

I want to start a place where you can go to talk about your workout! I am doing INSANITY and I know it helps when I can talk to others about the workouts, but this isn't limited to only INSANITY. If you are doing any plan, c25k, P90X, turbo fire, ANY of it, you can come here for advice, to rant, to admire, or just to moan about how you don't wanna do it today. We all have those days and now that summer has started I know that I tend to slack. Instead of working out I want to lounge by the pool with a margarita in my hand, but I also want to like my body while I do that so I need to step up my motivation.

I just did the fit test today (I previously finished INSANITY but then basically slacked for a month while on vacation/my birthday) so now I am started over and trying to get back into the routine I had earlier.

The fit test just about killed me today, not sure if I was pushing too hard or what but I almost threw up. I have found that INSANITY can do that to me because I get competitive with myself and when I was doing the test, I was looking at my previous numbers and trying to keep up with them even though I was in better shape before. But the sweat pays off and I feel better now!

So everyone, come join me in my 60 days of intense craziness because it feels good to know you aren't alone. Its tough to want to change your life but once you commit you can do it!


  • TAMMY_76
    TAMMY_76 Posts: 199
    i am a p90x grad starting insanity on the 4th
  • MissJoy18
    MissJoy18 Posts: 45
    I am on day 3 of P90X (lean). I would like to mention that I DO NOT LIKE AB RIPPER X. That's all. :tongue:
  • Freakinglovepink
    I'm getting ready to start level 3 of the 30 Day Shred. When I'm done with it I plan to do Couch to 5k and :) Maybe one day I'll work up to trying P90X again!
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    When I finish C25K (I'm starting week 8 on Tuesday) I want to try either Insanity, P90X, 30DS, or whatever... what do you guys recommend!? :D I'm loving running and all the cardio endurance I'm gaining from it, I want to do something so I can continue with my running/cardio, so I can enter in more races after this one in July!
  • vinlop
    vinlop Posts: 71 Member
    Just finished P90X Plyometrics today. I am on week 7, and really feel great. This, along with MFP have made a huge difference for me.
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    I want to definitely try to do INSANITY again, I stopped after about two weeks and have had a hard time getting back into it. But I really enjoyed it... so I shall probably start this week... the sooner the better :)
  • vinlop
    vinlop Posts: 71 Member
    I am on day 3 of P90X (lean). I would like to mention that I DO NOT LIKE AB RIPPER X. That's all. :tongue:

    I know what you mean about Ab Ripper X. When I started, I could hardly get to about 10 reps of each of the exercises, much less all 25 reps. Now I can almost get through each one (except for heels to the heavens - for some reason that one always gets me). Also, I look forward to Ab Ripper after the resistance days rather than agonizing over it.
  • 111408
    111408 Posts: 27
    Congrats on Insanity.
    I decided after the fit test I wasnt fit enough for it, I think I was just scared.
    I tried day one of P90X lean yesterday and was okay with it but not excited, but today I tried TurboFire and I'm in love!

    I've never been one for kick boxing because I have never felt coordinated enough to do it but today I was able to semi keep up and when I couldnt I was HAVING FUN! So I think I'm hooked, TurboFire it is for the next 89 days.
    Wish me luck!!
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    I've done Insanity, C25K, TurboFire, and now I'm on to P90X (finishing week 3). Obviously I like structured workout plans. :wink: In six months I've lost almost 30 lbs and went from a size 12 to a 6 (getting too big).

    I'm happy to give/receive any advice. Best of luck to all of you!! :bigsmile:
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    I'm trying to get myself to give into the idea of switch from my gym to CrossFit...only reason I have for holding back at this point is CrossFit is expensive, but it isn't just a gym to have access at...instead I'd actually get guidance for my workouts
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Starting 2nd month of Insanity on Monday.
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    When I finish C25K (I'm starting week 8 on Tuesday) I want to try either Insanity, P90X, 30DS, or whatever... what do you guys recommend!? :D I'm loving running and all the cardio endurance I'm gaining from it, I want to do something so I can continue with my running/cardio, so I can enter in more races after this one in July!
    If you love Cardio then Insanity is the one for you. I'm doing a hybrid of Insanity and P90x as the Cardio from P90x doesn't push me enough.

    I'm also working my way through the One on Ones, substituting the P90x workouts where I can.
  • CommittohealthCHANGED
    CommittohealthCHANGED Posts: 436 Member
    I did two rounds of insanity, then chalean extreme/brizal butt lift (hybrid). I am currently doing insanity asylum second round and it's hell. Next I will be doing another hybrid insanity asylum/p90x.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    p90x grad with two weeks left in a p90x/turbofire hybrid
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Wow you are all impressive!! I have never tried p90x but I am in LOVE with INSANITY! For some reason it is the first workout that I actually enjoy doing (maybe not during) but when I am done I feel so accomplished...and SO disgustingly sweaty lol. I've never felt like I push myself as hard as I do in INSANITY. Like when I go running I will do fairly well but its easier for me to ease up/slow down and what not. With INSANITY i just keep pushing myself, maybe its just when he says "dig deeper" but it definitely works for me. Like today in the fit test, there was a minute of suicide jumps (you are in a push up position then jump to a frog like squat and jump up in the air then back to push up position) which a whole minute is pretty intense. You count how many to track your fitness as you go through the program, and I had my numbers from my last fit test (which were pretty high) and I was trying to get to those numbers again and I was about to die. I finally stopped and was staring at the floor when he says "if you're taking a break right now get back in it!" and then I did.

    Who knows! I think Shaun T is my fav personal trainer ever and I don't have to pay per session. :) LOL!

    So to everyone doing p90x, do you like it? I don't think I have enough upper body strength to do it. I also want to try something like c25k just to have a structured running program. I enjoy running but I only did cross country in high school and I don't really know how to train myself to get better anymore, its been awhile.

    Where is everyone at on your programs? I can't believe I took a month off but I am happy that I started insanity again today! Day one is the hardest I feel like. :) Do you guys like gyms better or things like INSANITY?
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    I did two rounds of insanity, then chalean extreme/brizal butt lift (hybrid). I am currently doing insanity asylum second round and it's hell. Next I will be doing another hybrid insanity asylum/p90x.

    OOH I wanna try asylum when I am done with this round of INSANITY but it looks ridiculous. LIke seriously ridiculous.
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    I love P90x but the cardio just isn't enough once you can do insanity. I use the cardio from the One on Ones and P90x + as the doubles for my schedule. Some of the balance work from the One on Ones is really good. All the weights sessions all have alternative that you can do if you aren't that strong, even the pull ups. Get a set of bands if your are just starting out.

    Asylum is what I have planned after the last thirty days of my doubles hybrid, it looks tough but not unbeatable.
  • CommittohealthCHANGED
    CommittohealthCHANGED Posts: 436 Member

    Do you guys like gyms better or things like INSANITY?

    I like insanity better than working out at the gym.
  • CommittohealthCHANGED
    CommittohealthCHANGED Posts: 436 Member
    I did two rounds of insanity, then chalean extreme/brizal butt lift (hybrid). I am currently doing insanity asylum second round and it's hell. Next I will be doing another hybrid insanity asylum/p90x.

    OOH I wanna try asylum when I am done with this round of INSANITY but it looks ridiculous. LIke seriously ridiculous.

    I think you will like asylum. I love the changes in my body and my new strength. If you think insanity push you to your limits asylum push you pass your limits. I no longer say to hell with this it's hard, I say bring it Shaun T your mine. I can't wait to do the hybrid. I believe once I finish the hybrid I would have accomplish my goals and will basically lift weights with a lil cardio.
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I'm finishing CLX and will start P90X July 17th. Can't wait!!