Things you can do easier now!

I was wondering what some of the things are that you can do a lot easier now after losing weight? I am amazed at how many things are much easier now with just a few pounds gone. I think my biggie is just being able to walk without feeling like I was going to have oxygen. I was walking into a dr's app't and had to park way out from the bldg and I walked in with no trouble whatsoever and I know I couldn't have done that two months ago. I would have had to pay for valet parking because I couldn't have made it! What are some of yours????


  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    kind of the same feelings here. The knees don't hurt that bad anymore, the ankles stopped hurting, the back pain is better, I can play with the dog without having the feeling I have to vomit when I squeeze my belly bending down, But I still have a long way to go, but already these little things give me a huge motivation to loose more.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    We just went camping with our pop up camper. We accidentally locked the main door and then put it down. I wasn't taking the canoe off it and re-opening it. So, I decided I would try and load some of our stuff through the small storage door. I could easily fit through that tiny door - no way could I have done it before. We would have had to open it or figure out somewhere else to put the stuff.

    Silly, but I was really proud of it! (Course, you won't meet too many people who will say "I was happy I could fit through my camper's storage door!")
  • RollinDawg
    RollinDawg Posts: 235 Member
    I use a wheelchair, I'm just happy my butt's quit rubbing against the wheels and it's only been about a week and a half.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I can cook an entire meal without help or having to sit down numerous times. I can do 10 minutes of dancing without stopping. I can clean up the dropped mayo! :) I can walk easier. I can stand longer. Overall everything is just easier!
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    The parking garage at my work is about 100 yards from the office. I used to be sweating and huffing by the time I got there. Now I can walk it easily and even take the stairs up the 3 flights instead of the elevator.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    i can feel my ENERGY level has gone back up, i usto feel just tired all the time and its not like i was doing something, i was just that im getting back in the grove of my workouts i definately feel my energy level rising i started back at the gym on may 1st put myself in the "from couch to 5k in 9 weeks" challenge and already im back to running on the treadmill for 27min without stoping.

    and every drop of sweat was/is still worth it.

    nothing taste better than having good health.
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Wow...Good question!!!

    >Being able to walk and breathe is a biggie!!!
    >I have so much more energy to clean and keep up with house cleaning.
    >The Hubby and I have more fun (To keep it clean)
    >I walk taller - straighter & feel sexier ( even though I still have alot more weight to lose.
    >Take compliments better, cause I wouldn't believe them - could not take it in the past. With 80lbs gone I can now - cause I can see it.
    >Walk into my Dr's office...LOL

    Enjoy the benefits everyone - The fight it worth it!!!
  • nastytater
    nastytater Posts: 64 Member
    Since I started exercising again about a week ago,I can breath better,move around better without being out of breath as bad,I can even get out of a chair without as much effort of trying to get up...And also,I know I have been sleeping better,and able to use the rest room better...Hey I know,kinda gross,but it's a difference. Awesome Awesome Site.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    oh GREAT TOPIC! Let's see:

    I can fit it chairs and they are comfortable!
    My shoes don't lean out (you know what I
    I don't sweat or get winded when I walk from any parking lot into a building
    Clipping my toenails!
    Buttoning my pants without laying on the bed or jumping up and down
  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    Sitting in the bottom of the shower and being comfortable = win!
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    I can walk now for long distances without getting out of breath. And climb stairs aswell :)
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    I just started about a week ago, but I haven't weighed myself to see if I lost anything yet. I'm too scared I'll get myself discouraged. But I've been doing cardio and yoga every day, and I feel more limber and flexible already. I feel really good, and I don't get out of breath as easily. The only reason I keep up with this is because once I realized I wasn't going to die from exercise, I started having fun and enjoying feeling good about myself :)
  • BenKnowsFitness
    BenKnowsFitness Posts: 451 Member
    1. I am told I sleep better

    2. I can take the stairs without being winded

    3. I fit in booths at restaurants

    4. My little dog can sit next to me in the arm chair (used to sit on my leg because the chair was full)

    5. Mowing the grass is a breeze now.