Do people actually read others posts



  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    You can always word something in a positive way so it doesnt sound like criticism. There doesnt have to be a negative connotation to honest comments...

    for example if one of your friends said they were frustrated they werent losing weight, when it was clear to see they werent eating their calories for the day, or they had been filling up on sweets/ high fat foods and wondering why they were not meeting their goals...

    I'm usually short, sweet, and to the point, but there are times when I respond if someone is low on their calories or if they are missing a food group. I might say something such as, "Your calorie intake is great, but don't forget your veggies the next time. :]" or maybe something along the lines of "Your choices look good, but just a little low on calories." I like the input I get from others, so I don't see anything negative in saying something of the sort. If it bothers them, I'm sure they will respond about it.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    You can always word something in a positive way so it doesnt sound like criticism. There doesnt have to be a negative connotation to honest comments...

    Why the need to feel like you have to comment if they aren't asking for feedback? I'm just saying that you don't know what that person's struggle is. If they are asking for help with their nutrition or commenting on their food choices, that's one thing. But to critique someone's choices (however politely) without them asking you to do so is rude in my book. You wouldn't expect someone to walk up to you on a sidewalk and nicely explain how you should dress differently to bring out the best features of your body. Why would you feel you should do that to someone's food choices here? Again, my opinion only, but I would find that offensive.
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    I always read it.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    Would you hope if your food diaries were "on the wrong track" someone would speak up and guide you? Maybe I have a different idea of support and motivation...
    On the wrong track according to who? Who would decide what 'on the wrong track' means to each of us individually?

    Some are on the Paleo, some are Dr. supervised on here, some are working to gain, some are working to lose, so many variables who I am to say 'hey you screwed up'. Often times ppl don't get back to their diaries before MFP closes them out if traveling etc., perhaps they've written their foods on paper but simply not logged them in fully. I would never want to have someone assume they knew what I was doing if they had no clue.

    So no, I'd rather you simply stick to being a positive supportive friend and not criticize me and that is the type of friend I am. I might PM someone I am close too (I would feel comfy doing this with any of my friends on here as I keep a very small core group I feel quite comfy with)

    If someone speaks up and asks to help them track their food better and watch their diary with them that is completely different, we're all different on MFP but I know I don't need food police checking up on me. Makes it easier on others to not have to ponder the right thing to do to simply choose not to show your food diary publicly.

    This is EXACTLY why some keep theirs locked because everyone has a different idea of what 'helpful' means. To some criticizing is helpful but I see criticizing as negative.

    Merely my thoughts on the topic...
  • charmednz
    charmednz Posts: 49 Member
    Maybe we are not so different, maybe I feel the need to comment for the same reasons you feel you need to comment here...

    However I think people are on this site and seek out friends for motivation and support. My reasoning for posting this thread is to find out what others think and whether they comment honestly.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    sometime im actually on my ipod so when you are on the ipod you cant see the food dairy even though you know you can see it on the computer...

    (in that case i do the typical good job for staying under)

    not knowing what they ate or not..

    sometime i just look to see the green numbers. and see if their doing good with that. if i see red thats when i go through where it came from and it will depends what it came from either healthy or junk. i will go what they had. if it was junk i would be like well, you can always try to burn those off. but if its good. im like well you know its good sources. so dont fret about it. ♥

    i def look at the sodium cause that is a HUGE thing of our weight loss. :) unless you down your water then i wont really say much. but i will just nudge them :)

    im pretty supportive when it comes to the food. sometime i dont have time to actually look at the food dairy. so i just say good job if they are still under. and if they are over... (cause sometime they are over by like 100 or less) im like well at least it wasnt like 500 calories. :) but sometime you cant see their food dairy so you have to give them your support by saying well there is always tomorrow where you can do better or whatever the case is. ♥
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    The only person I comment on specifically about food is my mom cause I am connected with her. I look at her diary and see what she is eating and sometimes I will actually call her cause I know she posted something wrong. Some times I get lazy and just say good job to everything cause I feel like I haven't supported in a while but usually it is just for the weight losses that I comment!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Maybe we are not so different, maybe I feel the need to comment for the same reasons you feel you need to comment here...

    Ah ha... but you asked for us to discuss. Big difference. :)
  • charmednz
    charmednz Posts: 49 Member
    I dont actually think there is a difference, but thanks for your comments :)
  • Alaranio
    Alaranio Posts: 75
    Is funny like that. I like to be involved and take time to write my comments, look at diaries and so on. I notice that even though I invest in them. No one bothers to even comment on mine. It's really disappointing. Exspecialy when they're supposed to be there for support.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I look through the diary if i am on my pc, not my phone. I would still give a bit of positive words because we are all here, and we are all trying to make changes. Logging food all day takes work.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Is funny like that. I like to be involved and take time to write my comments, look at diaries and so on. I notice that even though I invest in them. No one bothers to even comment on mine. It's really disappointing. Exspecialy when they're supposed to be there for support.

    Time for some new MFP friends. :) Feel free to send me a request. I have a fun bunch of friends too!
  • nalopez
    nalopez Posts: 39
    Good job!!! Keep up the great work!

  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    i dont usually have time 2 read through diarys so i dont comment on thr diary but i do comment on the workouts. but i def wouldnt say well done if it was like you said! :smile:
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    i don't comment on people's diaries if I can't see it and and also not if they were under 1000,because I don't think that's very healthy most of the time and that could encourage bad eating habits.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    You have a point. . Sometimes you have time to read them all and sometimes you don't. Most of my friends I know how they eat by now. . I enjoy reading the diaries. . . but I also know who is new and sometimes needs help with food choices. . .You have to be careful that it is someone that is open to suggestions. . I also know people that don't have their diaries open. . I used to be one of them. . Hope this helps!
  • oBirdieo
    oBirdieo Posts: 148
    I only comment on others' diaries if I've read them. Otherwise, what's the point?

    I had one MFP friend who is literally only eating McDonald's, bacon, sausage, chocolate, and Coke. Yep, she's losing weight (as she's eating under her calorie guidelines), but she's killing herself at the same time. The biggest irony was that she had something about being worried about her high cholesterol on her profile! I said something about adding more vegetables and drinking more water and she was basically in denial. I figured I couldn't help her and de-friended her, but I was shocked at how many people were congratulating her on a great day every day when her "great day" was literally full of sugar, fast food, saturated fat, and highly processed carbs.
  • oBirdieo
    oBirdieo Posts: 148
    Would you hope if your food diaries were "on the wrong track" someone would speak up and guide you? Maybe I have a different idea of support and motivation...

    YES! That's exactly why my diary is public! I need to be kept accountable.
  • rob504
    rob504 Posts: 79
    I read others food diaries looking for meal ideas.
    I don't feel qualified to comment on friends food diaries. I have my settings set, so that I don't show if my daily food intake is under or over target, I don't think it's relevant.
  • rob504
    rob504 Posts: 79
    I should add I love this site, and reading my friends comments.
    I'm really not as grump as my post made me appear ;))