South beach diet

I am in a wedding in about 3 weeks and my bridesmaid dress is slightly snug.... I decided to try the south beach diet. I am not normally a fan of "diets".. I believe that they may show good results at first but you usually end up gaining the weight back plus more.. I am definitely a believer of portion control and exercise but neither of those will get me into this dress in 3 weeks so desperate times call for desperate measures. I am wondering if anyone else has tried the diet and what their results were. Today was day 1 and I already messed up my eating!!! Any meal suggestions???



  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    I would not recomend a diet simply for the facts that you listed. Try to rev up you workouts a little more. Burning more calories will get you in that dress.
  • ninaws
    ninaws Posts: 42 Member
    SBD isn't really a 'diet'. It's a system for a lifestyle change. If you're just looking to do it to fit into a dress and then abandon it afterwards, it's probably not worth the time.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    A doctor once recommended South Beach to me, so it's probably a good one. Additionally, when I had gestational diabetes the diet they put me on was very similar to South Beach. Lots of lean protein and veggies for the first week. Chicken, fish, lean beef.