Hi Everyone

I've been using MFP for 6 weeks now and so far I've lost 5Kg. This site/app is fantastic.

On my first day with the app I had my breakfast (poached egg on toast - nice and healthy), then my wife opened the biscuit tin and gave the kids a biscuit. I had a custard cream, then another and just one more. Just as she was closing the tin I grabbed one last one ....

Later that morning I entered everything into MFP. 4 custard cream biscuits 236 calories !!! That's 25 minutes on a tread mill !!

I haven't eaten a biscuit since. I have eaten a lot of salad and I'm amazed at how cheap cucumber, tomatoes, onions, peppers, carrots and lean meat (and eggs) are !! But pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, pastry, biscuits, cake ... These days I eat a lot less than I used to.

I also exercise a lot more these days. I find it quite hard to eat less that 2000 calories a day but when I add it ~500 calories of exercise 3 times a week I find I come in at ~1800 calories/day for the week.


  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    Hi there,

    It's a great tool to help recognise where all those unhealthy cals are. You realise you can eat a lot more if you stick to a low fat/carb, high protein diet !! Good luck :bigsmile: