Need more self control!



  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    Allow yourself one small treat a day. This may help because it will aid you in not feeling deprived, which is a big reason why people go overboard with the snacks and junk. By the way, your stepdad may have a fast metabolism, but if he continues to eat like that, he's at great risk for all the diseases that many overweight/obese people get, like hypertension and diabetes. Your outsides don't always match your insides.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    great post.. i was just posting how hard it has been and how hard today is going to be. my mothers annual july party is today and they always have great food and my bday cake.. i need so much strength for today its making me sick right now esp since i have not done so well lately..

    i buy junk food for "my husband and children" and then i eat it.. i'm my own worst enemy.. they can eat a tub of ice cream and loose weight but me, if i just look at it i gain weight.. even after drooling over it as much as i do.. prob because once i give in i go all in..

    i am a food addict, end of story

    i tend to stuff my face when no one is looking i love the feeling but do NOT like the numbers on the scale or the image in the mirror..

    this is a tough battle we are fighting but maybe if WE all find away to do it together we can get through it..

    it is hard when someone brings the stuff around and no matter how hard to plead and beg they end up bringing it in the house, and that chocolate isle is always going to be there.. it seems to be getting bigger and more spread out..

    find someone you can email, text, call or something you can do when the temptation happens.. that is why i am here.. i'm looking for a support because its not easy to do this alone and to be around people who just dont understand..

    good luck..
    Something that stuck out at me in this post is that you buy junk food for your husband and kids when you are trying to eat well. Most would agree that healthy eating is not only about losing weight, but also taking care of our bodies. Why would you go out and buy junk to feed your family? A treat once in a while is great, especially for kids, but wouldn't you like to teach them a healthy way of eating so that they don't end up with weight and health problems when they grow up?
  • suzicooper
    suzicooper Posts: 15
    Theres nothing stopping u having that bit of choc or sweets but I always jus make sure that it fits into my daily calories that way I dont have to feel guilty about it!