Am I eating too MUCH?



  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    I looked through your diary. Here's what I saw:
    Decent quantity.
    Horrible quality.

    Remember that it's not just HOW MUCH you put into your body, but also WHAT you put in it. 200 calories of M&M's does not equate 200 calories of fruit, or a sweet potato, or something nutritious.
    Rather than fretting over calories, focus on nixing all of that junk food. Do you really need a hot fudge sundae one day followed by a sonic milkshake followed by a candy bar followed by M&M's? No! None of that will help you reach your goals.

    Just to be sure: I have the same problem. I eat junk food, but I'm working on switching to whole foods (whole fruit instead of fruit-flavored gummies, whole veggies instead of veggie chips, whole potatoes instead of french fries, whole chicken instead of chicken patties, etc.) Making this switch will increase your energy naturally and fill you with more self-satisfaction than 500 calories-worth of processed syrup and fat.

    Good luck.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Horrible quality? Really? I'm not an eat clean person, but I wouldn't call my quality horrible. We went to Philly last weekend and we splurged on some food/chocolates etc, but mostly I'm eating lean meats, fruits, salad, veggies with a sugar free Jello or protein bar in there etc. I dunno. I just don't agree with that one..I appreciate your thoughts though. I also agree that yeah, quality is important, but I lost 40 pounds before eating lean cuisines, Fiber One bars, and sugar free jello before I started to try and eat more whole food. So I ate sodium and sugar and dropped basically all the weight I lost until present day. Now that I'm eating all this whole food the scale isn't when it comes to weight loss and not health I'm not sure I'm totally on board with thinking that keeps you from losing. But what do I know. Seriously.
  • aims78
    aims78 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi! I think you look great, and I agree with what most of the other posts on here that you are probably gaining muscle, and that is why are you aren't losing the weight, but you are still getting rid of the fat. The only thing I would recommend is make sure you are drinking lots of water, and not skipping any meals. :) Good Luck!
  • fittraier
    fittraier Posts: 138
    I too am a fitness instructor teaching 10 give or take some each week classes a week. So, I know what you mean, as far as striking a balance. First, I assume you are drinking your water. That is not a problem for me. second, how are you calculating your calories burned? are they from a HR monitor or just numbers you have calculated or from MFP calcuation. I think MFP is high in calculations, and if you do exercise on a maching again these are formulas not exact the error can be up to 25 % in either direction. I

    In looking at your diary, you sugars are HIGH! I would adjust your sugar intake. I *try* to make my sugar intake be my carbs--fruits. I do treat myself once and a while...Rhubarb crisp, frozen yogurt, lo cal/no sugar ice cream bars or fudge bars, 16 choclate chips.

    The thing that made the biggest difference in my change, was I switched the goals in MFP for carbs 40%, fat 30%, protien 30%. It is killer for me to no go over in carbs! Maybe try that also.

    I do eat back some of my calories, but not all that MFP gives me. And if you are struggling, maybe invest the money into a Dietian appointment. you can print off you diary and take it with you. :)
  • em80
    em80 Posts: 91
    Maybe you are losing inches instead of weight. I lose weight slowly but inches come off pretty quick.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    First of meals? Bwahahahahaha!!! That's a good one. ;-D Secondly..yep..lots of water. MUCH MORE than I was drinking before. I'm using a Polar HRM so my calories are pretty good. Finding that balance is proving to be the impossible task for me!
  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    Have you had your body fat checked?

    You look great, I dream of looking like that.

    Is there a reason you want to lose more?

    Maybe if your body fat is measured it may be quite low and therefore would be difficult to lose any more weight.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Thanks. The pic is only of my arms. I need to take a body shot. My lower half still could be leaner/smaller...heck it SHOULD be with all the gosh darn working out. *sigh* At 5ft6 150+ is on the high end...I know some is muscle...but I think 130s-140s would be ideal overall. My fat % always changes. Usually between 22-25%. Not super low or athletic. My inches went down a bit first but have stayed there for 3 weeks or so.
  • luvmybentley
    luvmybentley Posts: 74 Member
    First, can I just say WOW! Killer arms! Way to go!

    I took a look at your food diary, I think your carbs are way high, several days your carbs are more than twice your protein intake. Maybe it's time to tweak your macros. I've been very successful following "The Zone" way of eating. It takes into account your lean muscle mass and body fat percentages, and the protein, fat, carb ratios allow for optimum fat burning and energy while sustaining lean muscle mass. Rather than calories to support your current BMR, the goal should be calories to support your "optimal/goal" BMR. I am not purchasing any of the zone foods, just eating regular foods and staying within the advised 40/30/30 ratio of carbs, protein and fat. I've been steadily losing just 2 lbs a week, but have really noticed results the most with the tape measure and body fat %. Check out for more info. Might be the change you need to beat this plateau. Good luck!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    First, can I just say WOW! Killer arms! Way to go!

    I took a look at your food diary, I think your carbs are way high, several days your carbs are more than twice your protein intake. Maybe it's time to tweak your macros. I've been very successful following "The Zone" way of eating. It takes into account your lean muscle mass and body fat percentages, and the protein, fat, carb ratios allow for optimum fat burning and energy while sustaining lean muscle mass. Rather than calories to support your current BMR, the goal should be calories to support your "optimal/goal" BMR. I am not purchasing any of the zone foods, just eating regular foods and staying within the advised 40/30/30 ratio of carbs, protein and fat. I've been steadily losing just 2 lbs a week, but have really noticed results the most with the tape measure and body fat %. Check out for more info. Might be the change you need to beat this plateau. Good luck!
    Thanks for your help! What is that ratio? protein/carbs/fat?
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    The Zone Diet is 40% calories from carbohydrates, 30% from fat and 30% from protein.

    That's what I follow too and it is the only ratio that works for me! :smile:
  • seckler
    seckler Posts: 169 Member
    I also follow 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat and has worked well for me. I totally here you about the top half looking great but needin work on the bottom half. I'm pretty happy with my top but am still a work in progress on the bottom.
    I am wondering if you are eating enough if you are working out that much. I am at maintenance calories and have still been losing because I think when you have more muscle you have to eat more and myfitnesspal doesnt consider that. I am 5'2" and 112 pounds and have mine set to 1500 calories and most of the time eat back my exercise calories. You look muscular to me and so I think that even of you aren't ready to maintain you should still up your calories and see if that helps.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    horrible quality??? wtf? like one piece of candy every few days?

    I think your diary is pretty good actually, but i would definitely try eating slightly less in quantity if you can and if it still allows you to have energy. Maybe try trimming 200 cals off, or trying to stay under 1800 or 1900 and see if that helps.

    The problem with a lot of exercise is it makes your body look better, but if youre going by what the scales say, then exercising a lot and eating back those cals, wont actually make you lose weight, it will make you gain muscle, which IMO is not a bad thing, but i know its hard to let go of the scales, and i havent managed to do so myself yet.
    I run a lot and even doubling my distance didnt make me lose weight. The only time i lose any actual weight is if i cut down my food, and actually exercise less, which im not really prepared to do, as getting good at running and general fitness is more important to me than weight
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I've found the best way to lose weight is zig zagging your calories. I eat 1200 most days (I'm allowed 1650) but then I will treat myself twice a week with bad food that I don't count. Yet I lose weight. The weeks that I don't treat myself I don't lose weight. It's a delicate balance, because humans aren't supposed to eat the SAME thing every single day.

    Surprisingly enough something similar to this got me off my 6 week plateau too. Along with two complete weeks of rest off of exercise. I zig zag on a 2-3 day low cal (1300-1500), 1-2 day high cal (2100+, no reasonable limit). I'm at 19%-21% bodyfat...and had been stuck yoyoing between 189 and 192lbs. I caught a stomach bug...was violently ill for a couple days...and have virtually ate nothing but crap for two weeks with zero exercise...yet I've lost weight to the tune of 182lbs, 3.5" off my waist, and gained 1/4" on my biceps over that period.

    Go figure lol.

    Sometimes your body just needs a rest I guess.
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    I too am a fitness instructor teaching 10 give or take some each week classes a week. So, I know what you mean, as far as striking a balance. First, I assume you are drinking your water. That is not a problem for me. second, how are you calculating your calories burned? are they from a HR monitor or just numbers you have calculated or from MFP calcuation. I think MFP is high in calculations, and if you do exercise on a maching again these are formulas not exact the error can be up to 25 % in either direction. I

    In looking at your diary, you sugars are HIGH! I would adjust your sugar intake. I *try* to make my sugar intake be my carbs--fruits. I do treat myself once and a while...Rhubarb crisp, frozen yogurt, lo cal/no sugar ice cream bars or fudge bars, 16 choclate chips.

    The thing that made the biggest difference in my change, was I switched the goals in MFP for carbs 40%, fat 30%, protien 30%. It is killer for me to no go over in carbs! Maybe try that also.

    I do eat back some of my calories, but not all that MFP gives me. And if you are struggling, maybe invest the money into a Dietian appointment. you can print off you diary and take it with you. :)

    LOVE the advice, and for what it's worth i will add to this... i saw a dietitian last summer and asked her advice as i was not sure of my intake, etc. she liked that i was 50-60% carbs because of my intense workouts and long runs. since i haven't looked at your diary, idk what types of carbs you are consuming... but i just wanted to be sure to let everyone who is reading this know that carbs are not bad... and even a high carb diet can still be maintained whilst losing weight.

    that being said, everyone is different. :) it's really a HUGE experiment to figure out what works for you.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    A few pieces of advice...

    1. Something smart that my trainer taught me... When you think about what you're going to eat, think about what you're going to do for the next 3 hours. If you're about to teach a class, eat a little bit more, but if you're really just going to sit on the couch and watch a movie with the hubby or something like that you really don't need to eat more than 200 cals. Eat for what you're going to do, rather than eating back for what you did. Instead of postworkout snacks, eat preworkout snacks. Your body will work them off instead of them just sitting in your stomach waiting to be used.

    2. You're sugar is a little high but it's not coming from natural sources like fruits, but from protein bars and ice cream bars.

    3. Carbs - You take in a lot of your carbs in the evening with dinner. You should try getting your carbs in earlier in the day with breakfast and then skipping out on the carbs at dinner. Remember, any carbs that your body doesn't work off before you get to bed, your body will just store as fat at the end of the day. Minimal carbs, fat, and cals later in the evening.

    4. Your macronutrient ratio - You may want to play around with your C/P/F mix. Right now you have it at 50 Carbs / 35 Protein / 15 Fat. Maybe try a 40 / 40 / 20 split or even 40 / 45 / 15. Sometimes getting too much carbs or fat your body may not know how to handle the excess but being that you do a lot of classes, you definitely need the protein for your muscles to recover from your workouts.

    5. You may want to get a body fat monitor. You may not be seeing the difference on the weight scale but maybe your body fat % is going down and your muscle mass is going up?

    6. You may not want to eat back all of your exercise calories and then some. Try zig zagging or keeping a good calorie deficit.

    7. Times - Try not to eat too late.. I noticed that when I stop eating by 8 I wake up with a flat tummy and that scale goes down :) Also try not to eat too much in one sitting. Space your eating out over 6 meals - the most calories at bfast and the least at the last meal. So if breakfast is 400 - 500 calories, no other meal should be more than 400 calories.

    Hope this helps!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    thanks for all the advice guys! I've been doing so much experimenting and yet nothing is working...its' getting I'll try and integrate some of these new things too. Thank you!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    In looking at your profile pic it doesn't look like you have much fat to lose. Is it possible that you are not losing because you are at your healthy weight?