Just joined this week

ladyjay60 Posts: 2
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
Hi!! My name is Jane and I'm 50 years old. Back in February, my doctor told me I was facing serious health problems and needed to lose weight if I wanted any chance of avoiding them. (I weighed 227 at the time) Not long afterwards, I developed an infection that caused me to have problems eating anything. By the time it was taken care of, I'd dropped 20 pounds in 6 weeks; a nice jump start to the weight loss, but I really don't recommend it. When I started feeling better, I started exercising and watching what I ate. It helps that my appetite isn't nearly as big as it was before I got sick.

I don't like the term "going on a diet". I know from experience that if I eat foods I don't like, I end up eating more in the long run because I'll turn around and eat something I like because I don't feel satisfied and I want to get the taste out of my mouth. The doctor sent me to a dietician who explained about counting carbs as well as calories and talked about ways I could modify my diet without having to completely give up some of my favorite foods.

So far, I've lost 38 pounds since late February (20 from when I was ill and another past 18 in the 11 weeks). I'm not very good at keeping track of calories and carbs, and one of my concerns is that I may have gone from eating too much to too little. Last week I finally broke down and bought a smart phone, just to get an app that would help me track what I'm eating and help make me make "smart" choices.

Looking thru the available Apps, I found MFP. I've been using it for the last week, and really love it.


  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 619 Member
    Congrats on your achievements so far. MFP is a fabulous site and the people on here are really supportive.

    Good luck on your journey.

  • samra2012
    samra2012 Posts: 715
    Hi!! Im new here too, and I am very happy with these site! it's soo easy! I had so many troubles knowing what and how much to eat per day, but but here is easy and if you cant find something you just have to add it!! Now it is easier and I am always under my calorie goal!!! happy happy happy!!
    so welcome and good luck!!
  • Strive2BLean
    Strive2BLean Posts: 300 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I have been using it for about a month and it has helped me lose 10 lbs. The food and exercise tracker is very helpful. The nutrition feedback makes it so easy to monitor what you're eating. You're gonna love it. I never thought I'd be obsessed with tracking but I am and it's all I needed to jumpstart my weight loss. I can positively see myself getting to goal with the help of MFP. Good luck to you. YOU CAN DO IT! :smile:
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