Nov 2010 Moms Losing Baby Weight!



  • silversong24
    silversong24 Posts: 409 Member
    Hi everyone, I have a son from May 03, a daughter from Oct 06, and another son from Nov 10. Since joining MFP I have lost 15 lbs, which leaves me with about 28 to go for my first goal weight and will put me back into the healthy range. For exercise I try to fit it in during the morning hours when my youngest is napping, and the other two can entertain themselves quite well for half an hour. There are days though where I wind up forcing myself to squeeze in half an hour at night after the kids are in bed, because it has just been that kind of day lol.... But anything helps I think, like dancing.stretching/whatever in the kitchen while dinner is cooking, calf raises while doing dishes, making the kids giggle during bath time cause mommy is doing squats, etc.... Be creative and have fun with it, at least that's how I try to look at it =)