30 Day Shred Questions???

circusmom Posts: 662 Member
Yesterday I found out that I get 30 day shred free on fit tv, from my cable company. Now let me just say I'm not a big fan of workout videos. I would rather use free weights and get outside and walk/run, but seeing how many people on MFP have positive things to say about it I thought I might give it a try. Problem is there is no info to go with the videos, I've been on google all morning looking for answers but I'm not happy with what I've found, so I'm turning to the MFP community....

1. How long do I do each phase?
2. Should I still do my cardio and free weights?
3. Is there a specific meal plan that you should follow (I hope not!!)?
4. Do most people maintain the results that you get, or do you have to keep going back to the video (remember at this point I
am not a fan of workout videos) ?
5. Do you have an "off" day or do you workout everyday for 30 days ( I know it says "30 day" but I've always thought its best to
have a rest day.)?

Anyway, Thanks in advance for an answers that you can give me!!!


  • tusher2011
    tusher2011 Posts: 201 Member
    I don't the answers to your questions as I just did my first workout the other day, I was so soar I haven't yet done it again but plan on doing it today. I would like to see the answers to your questions too:)

    good luck!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    I am almost finished with my 2nd round of the 30ds. Both times I did 30 days straight, ten days at each level. I personally didnt do extra cario or anything and didnt follow a diet but did log my food on here. First round I lost 9lbs & 13in. So far this 2nd round ive lost 5lb and i have 5 days left.
  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
    In answer to your questions:
    1. How long do I do each phase?
    JM says 20 mins but realistically with the warm-up / cool down its about 27 mins
    2. Should I still do my cardio and free weights?
    Personally I would and do
    3. Is there a specific meal plan that you should follow (I hope not!!)?
    Not in the DVD but it refers to the website if you wanted a meal plan!
    4. Do most people maintain the results that you get, or do you have to keep going back to the video (remember at this point I
    am not a fan of workout videos) ?
    Can't really answer that as I use it as a workout when I can't get to the gym or out for a run!
    5. Do you have an "off" day or do you workout everyday for 30 days ( I know it says "30 day" but I've always thought its best to
    have a rest day.)?
    I don't do it everyday so yes for me!!!

    Hope that helps!!
  • mystiedragonfly
    mystiedragonfly Posts: 189 Member
    If it is a DVD, I would recommend sitting down and watching one or two before getting up and working out with it. They may have the information tucked into the work out throughout the video.

    Another option is to look up the Fit TV website and find a way to contact them directly with these questions. They may Have a section for this show specifically.

    As for my opinion (and it is just that... only an opinion),

    - Yes, do your cardio and strength training as well as the video.
    - You may have to return to the video every so often, however, I'd suggest figuring what in the video works for you and disregarding anything else. That way you can do it on your own later.
    - It IS best to have a rest day. Something seems fishy there.

    Good Luck!!
  • Jonicha26
    Jonicha26 Posts: 107 Member
    With 30DS there isn't a ton of info that comes with the DVD... So, I'll tell you what I did and that might help a little! :)

    1. How long do I do each phase?

    Do each phase until you feel ready to move onto the the next one... You could do each one for 10 or move away from the easier ones early so you have more time on level 3.

    2. Should I still do my cardio and free weights?

    You definitely can, but you will be doing cardio and weights with Jillian as well. I know a lot of people do things on top of their Jillian work outs. I just did the DVD.

    3. Is there a specific meal plan that you should follow (I hope not!!)?

    There is not on for the 30DS... just keep counting calories!

    4. Do most people maintain the results that you get, or do you have to keep going back to the video (remember at this point I
    am not a fan of workout videos) ?

    I have maintained, but I have also continued to work out. Since completing the 30DS I have also completed Jillian's Ripped in 30 DVD as well (I love DVDs... lol)

    5. Do you have an "off" day or do you workout everyday for 30 days ( I know it says "30 day" but I've always thought its best to
    have a rest day.)?

    When I did the 30DS I did the entire 30 days with no breaks... I thought it was supposed to just be 30 days, but when I started Ripped in 30 Jillian has a whole speech before the video recommending you exercise 5 or 6 times a week and to at least take one day off... so, I took days off with Ripped in 30. I would recommend a rest day. :)

    I hope that helps and I hope you find out you don't mind DVDs as much as you think you do. Jillian is a great motivator! Keep doing your other things -- going outside, using weights, etc... but don't give up on the DVD. I haven't heard from anyone that didn't see results from this work out!

    Good Luck! :)
  • run_momma_run
    1. How long do I do each phase?

    It's recommended to do each phase for 10 days or when you're ready to continue. You should be able to do a full level without stopping before you move to the next one.

    2. Should I still do my cardio and free weights?

    You can continue to do any other exercise that you want to do.

    3. Is there a specific meal plan that you should follow (I hope not!!)?

    No, any healthy meal plan will be fine.

    4. Do most people maintain the results that you get, or do you have to keep going back to the video (remember at this point I
    am not a fan of workout videos) ?

    You should be able to maintain your results with regular exercise; not necessarily through the videos.

    5. Do you have an "off" day or do you workout everyday for 30 days ( I know it says "30 day" but I've always thought its best to
    have a rest day.)?

    You are supposed to do it every day for 30 days. It is only 20 minutes; not like you're going to the gym every day for 2 hours...

    Good luck & have fun.
  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    I am currently on level two and about halfway through my 30 days. This is what I've been doing so far (let me state here that I am not speaking for everyone, only for myself):

    1. I aimed to do each phase for a minumum of 10 days. Once I got to the end of the 10 days, I assess whether or not I feel ready to go to the next phase. Level one was hard for me, but by the end of the 10 days, I could do the whole 20+ min without stopping to rest, so I moved to level two. Its all based on how you feel.

    2. I also supplemented other workouts with this one. I would go to the gym for additional cardio and then go home and shred. I just wanted the extra calorie burn.

    3. EAT HEALTHY!! There is nothing specific that came with the DVD, but eating healthy is a MUST if you want to get great results.

    4. I am currently unsure if people have to keep going back, but my plan is to incorporate this video any day that I don't make it to the gym and need a workout after the 30 days are complete.

    5. My intention was to do all 30 days in succession. It is more important to give your muscles a rest if you are doing serious weight training but this was so general and not too intense (as far as weight training goes) that I didn't worry about a day off. Days off will come because life gets in the way - but I aimed to do all 30 days in succession. I have had a few days off here and there. But if you feel that you need a day off because you are incredibly sore or can't get through a workout you would normally get through, listen to your body - you don't want to risk injury.

    Have fun! Its a great workout plan!
  • flutterqueen04
    The normal is to do each workout for 10 days, but you can move on as soon as you feel ready to. You can take a day off if you need too. No there is no meal plan to follow. Yes you can do other cardio and weights if you want to. Just make sure your body can handle it all. If you want to keep the results you have to continue with a healthy lifestyle, but this is what you need to do with EVERY exercise and such. You do not have to do the dvd to keep the results. You may find you like her workouts. I was like you I hated dvd workouts but I love JM's!! I have and done her 30 Day Shred, 6 Week 6 Pack, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, and her Ripped in 30.

    Basically 30 Day Shred is just a series of 3 workouts. You can do them in any order you want, any time period you want, any days you want. 30 days is suggested to get you fast results. I did 30 days with a few days off here and there and I still go back some times to do a level off of it for a quick workout. You also will log this exercise under circuit training :)
  • tusher2011
    tusher2011 Posts: 201 Member
    For those that do additional cardio/weights along with 30DS, do you do it on the same days? Which one do you do first?

    I don't have time to go the gym (I go first thing in the am) and then come home and do 30DS. I also don't want to workout again in the evening. So, can I hit the gym on a Monday and then do 30DS on Tuesday and just keep alternating days?
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    thanks for all the help, I'm going to give it a try, I'll start tomorrow (nothing to lose but fat)!!!