Sorry Guys.............Ladies & PMS

Okay...something we all love to talk about...our wonderful monthly visiter.
I have some questions and concerns as i am still new to this whole journay and dont want to sabitage myself just due to PMS...

1. Does anyone know on average how much water weightgain they get, as I would like to be prepared so I dont get into the "I've failed" mindset I have done so many years of my life. Knowing will make me just get through it.

2. Are there any secret better choices to deal with PSM cravings? Ie: I crave chips.

3. How do you all motivate yourself to get up and keep moving (excersizing) when all you want to do is lay down on the couch with a hot water bottel and moan and groan your way through the forst few

Anyways; any advise would help in the days leading up tomy first crampy, moody, emotional will power PMS moment of my journay.

my tummy, mind and soul thank you in advance,
cheers ~ Nat :)


  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I'm a compulsive weigher. I weigh in too often. I don't notice any specific fluctuations in my weight that I can point at and say 'that was monthly cycle related!' Our weight fluctuates normally and I can't tell any different at that time of the month. I do have to let my belt out a notch that week, but that's nothing new. I just bloat a bit more.

    As for cravings... I'm not sure I'll be much help there. I might have an extra chocolate chip granola bar on those days, but that's about it. I guess I'm not much of a craver.
  • wendyannie1976
    wendyannie1976 Posts: 205 Member
    hi, it always use to be 2lbs for me but recently its been 6lbs - for half a month but thats rather extreme and i'm on tablets to reduce estrogen levels as i actually go up a full cup size too, i think 2lbs though is fairly typical but if you know you are eating right and exercising and eating all your cals plus what you should of your exercise ones and drinking plenty of water then rely on that fact - we can't stop mother nature but we can keep ourselves on the right path to weight loss victory :-)xx
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I usually gain around 5lbs. I don't weigh myself during TOM because I know for a fact it isn't an accurate weight.

    As for cravings, I eat like a lumberjack during TOM and while I always gain the 5lbs of water weight - I always go right back to my normal weight afterward. I do make sure I drink a TON of water to help flush my system out.

    I usually don't workout the day that I start simply because of the cramps and such. But, I force myself to go after the first day since it helps a lot to workout. Makes the aches and pains feel better AND I've noticed it cuts the length of my cycle (from like 7 days to like 4!) when I workout during.
  • missolesky
    missolesky Posts: 40
    For the cravings get something really small, i crave chocolate so bad so I bought some of those yoplait parfait delights with only 100 calories and there is just enough to satisfy my craving.
    Also exercising first thing the first day of my period keeps cramps at bay. Hope that helps
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    well as far as the cravings... i make darn sure i work out so i can eat me chocolate. AND believe it or not the workout helps with the cramps. :smile: oh and i usually gain a couple pounds. drinking water with a little lemon or lime juice (i prefer lime) usuallly helps with the water weight and it makes me pee like a race horse!
  • TescherTK
    TescherTK Posts: 44 Member
    1. weight gain: I usually gain about 2lbs but I have a friend who gains 8lbs! it will vary but I usually don't even pay attention to the scale during that time because I know it will go back to normal in a few days.

    2. I usually give in to my cravings - in moderation. I always crave a big juicy hamburger (like McDonalds), but instead I will make one with lean meat, or I will get a small burger. If it's chips, then I get a small lunch sized bag and eat 1/2 of it. Usually that satisfies the craving, and the I fill up with healthy snacks.

    3. I push myself to work out, but I usually do less because I'm just to worn out. But I keep moving because I know I will eventually get my energy back. Also, sometimes it helps aleviate the bloating and cramps.

    Basically I do what I can to get through it, knowing it's only temporary! and I usually have extra energy when its over!
  • ljw556
    ljw556 Posts: 43 Member
    I put on at least 4lb everytime. So I've stopped weighing myself as I get too downhearted even though I know the reason. I eat olives when I want salt. At least they contain some minerals etc.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member

    3. How do you all motivate yourself to get up and keep moving (excersizing) when all you want to do is lay down on the couch with a hot water bottel and moan and groan your way through the forst few

    See, I don't understand this. Unless you are in an extraordinary amount of pain, don't you just kind of live your normal life when you have your period? I mean, when I have mine, I still manage to go to work and handle any commitments with friends. I still clean up and cook my meals and do what I normally do.

    What I don't get is why exercise wouldn't be the same as all of the other things in your life. If you're in a ton of pain, maybe take it a little bit easier than normal, but really, if exercise is a usual part of what you do, why would you treat it differently than any other activity?

    I don't mean to be insensitive - I just sincerely do not understand.
  • 1. it's different for everyone but i tend to weigh 2-5 lbs more when i'm PMSing. so clearly i just avoid the scale at all costs until i'm sure the water weight is gone ;) i have noticed, though, eating 100% clean during my TOM really reduces or sometimes eliminates altogether the bloating and cramps. nothing processed, next to no sodium, lots and lots of veggies. your tummy will love you for it!

    2. i get massive, insane, uncontrollable carb cravings, so i just eat a ton of whole grains. if i'm craving cake or a muffin or something, i make a real quick microwave cake out of barley or spelt or sometimes buckwheat flour, with cinnamon and applesauce to sweeten it. that way i still get my cakey carb cravings satisfied but i'm not eating anything unhealthy. if you crave salty chips i'd suggest baking up some kale chips, or maybe slice a sweet potato real thin into chips and bake those.

    3. working out helps with my cramps so that's all the motivation i need! plus it's always good to sweat out a little more of that extra water weight right?

    ps - fennel tea does wonders for water retention. drink 3 cups a day as needed and watch yourself shriiiiink.
  • evonday
    evonday Posts: 141 Member
    When my Aunt Flo visits, I usually don't lose any weight for the duration. I'll gain about 1-2 lbs before, and then it won't fall off until the weeks over. Here are some thing I do:

    -Drink lots of water to help flush out water weight.
    -Avoid salty snacks (although I tend to crave them like no tomorrow)
    -Try to stay active
    -Don't weigh myself until it's over.

    Once it's over, I tend to drop the water weight overnight and an extra lb or if I'm super lucky, 2.

    Bit that's just me.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I usually gain between 2-4 pounds during TOM. I weigh in all of the time -- I find that I like to know what my body's doing, and I don't let it discourage me. As long as I see a long-term downward trend over several weeks, I'm OK.

    I have found good substitutes for what I am craving. I crave sweets and chocolate, so I like the chocololate Vita Tops, or I can try a fudgesicle dessert with peanut butter and Cool Whip.

    I am not a big salty-snack eater, but I have recently tried vegetable chips. They are a little bit lower in calories / fat than potato chips, but still had a light, salty taste. They would still have alot of sodium, which isn't necessarily good for TOM -- especially with the water weight.
  • mamahix
    mamahix Posts: 14
    Ladies... I'm new here .. Just started this week but we don't HAVE to have a period! I used to get terrible cramps, I would cry for no reason, and really moody, and craved chocolate bad! I am almost 30 now and I begged my OB for a hysterectomy 3 years ago - only she wouldn't do it - said I was too young. But as an alternative put me on birth control (lybrel) to where I only have 1 period a YEAR !! And even then she said I didn't HAVE to come off the pill if I didn't want to. I have gone 2 years now without a period and it has allowed me to function normally again. Defin. worth it!
  • I gain 7-9 pounds every month. I'm also usually sick anywhere from 7-10 days before I start my period. Once I start I'm fine.

    I go back and forth between craving salty and sweet. If I'm really craving something sweet a lollipop helps and it's a lot less calories than ice cream or a candy bar. I haven't found anything to help with the salty craving yet.

    I try to still workout but I am not always successful during the week or so before my period, I'm just completely exhausted.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Okay...something we all love to talk about...our wonderful monthly visiter.
    I have some questions and concerns as i am still new to this whole journay and dont want to sabitage myself just due to PMS...

    1. Does anyone know on average how much water weightgain they get, as I would like to be prepared so I dont get into the "I've failed" mindset I have done so many years of my life. Knowing will make me just get through it.

    2. Are there any secret better choices to deal with PSM cravings? Ie: I crave chips.

    3. How do you all motivate yourself to get up and keep moving (excersizing) when all you want to do is lay down on the couch with a hot water bottel and moan and groan your way through the forst few

    Anyways; any advise would help in the days leading up tomy first crampy, moody, emotional will power PMS moment of my journay.

    my tummy, mind and soul thank you in advance,
    cheers ~ Nat :)

    1. Different for everyone and may vary month to month based on your diet. I have not gone up, but rather thad my weight loss masked. I know I was retaining water (the sore boobs) but the scale just stayed flat for a week and then dropped like a rock the next. Just don't let it freak you out--if you've been eating properly and exercising, the only reason for the scale to have stayed flat or gone up is TOM.

    2. Don't get the 'cravings' and never have. I personally think that is BS. Just an excuse that women use to overeat.

    3. You'll actually feel better if you get up and move. Also, if you have painful periods, start taking the NSAIDS a day or two BEFORE TOM starts. Much more effective than waiting until you're actually in pain.

    As you lose weight, TOM should actually get a lot easier.
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    I average about 3 pounds of water weight gain. It's due to hit next week. :( For chocolate cravings, i'll either get a single square of a really good dark chocolate and just let it melt in my mouth, or i'll eat a jello dark chocolate, sugar free pudding snack. There isn't much that helps my crunchy/salty cravings, but banana chips are okay, and some people swear by rice cakes.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member

    3. How do you all motivate yourself to get up and keep moving (excersizing) when all you want to do is lay down on the couch with a hot water bottel and moan and groan your way through the forst few

    See, I don't understand this. Unless you are in an extraordinary amount of pain, don't you just kind of live your normal life when you have your period? I mean, when I have mine, I still manage to go to work and handle any commitments with friends. I still clean up and cook my meals and do what I normally do.

    What I don't get is why exercise wouldn't be the same as all of the other things in your life. If you're in a ton of pain, maybe take it a little bit easier than normal, but really, if exercise is a usual part of what you do, why would you treat it differently than any other activity?

    I don't mean to be insensitive - I just sincerely do not understand.

    I'm one of the lucky ones that rarely experience cramps. I have a female relative who during her drug-free labors birthing her childern she barely made a peep. Later she explained her labor contractions are exactly what she experiences monthly with her period so while they are very painful and obviously the whole labor process was more painful, she was already *used* to the pain.

    We cried right along after with her. She's Japanese and a size 00. Her babies were in the 9lb area. I still shudder for her. My babies were all that size two weeks before their due dates but I'm thankful I ended up needing a cesarean!
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    1.i usually gain abt 10lbs faithfully at that time of the month :(

    2.i give into my cravings but try to find low calorie/low fat options along with warm tea with lemon.

    3.i PUSH my self to work out b/c i know that if i continue with my weekly workout the water weight and bloat will go back to
    normal when my cycle is done, so i actually feel better when i workout vs.sitting home holding my stomach with a hot water bottle all day long.

    4.for pain i dont know abt the rest of you but midol works wonders for me, i could not do my workouts without it.

    ok the rest is gravy.,keep it moving.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Weight Gain: I don't really gain weight, but my stomach does look a whole hell of a lot fatter always.

    Cravings: I just eat what I want but in small amounts... no sense in denying myself, because it will only make it worse later.

    Exercising: I take birth control that takes care of all my cramps and what not. I still turn into a really crabby person, but I'm not in any pain.. and if I do have the rare cramp, it's not too bad. Plus that combined with the exercise that I have been doing since January, it has tended to halt my periods.. another lovely perk if you ask me!
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    I saw these special k crisps with sea salt last week at the store. That might be a good alternative for your chips!