Am I crazy? Am I wrong? Can I find Clarity?



  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    That doctor is a total QUACK!! First off, to harrass you to tears is just WRONG! Next to tell you that having cereal is okay before having bloodwork done is incorrect. In order to get fairly accurate results, it has to be a FASTING bloodwork (your right in your thoughts on that one). I just had mine done on my yearly physical on Friday, and I make my doctor's appointment as early as posible so that I can be fasting, while not getting headachey and cranky.

    Next to say that European whites don't have the diabetes problems that African Americans have is just plain old WRONG and grossly inaccurate. To do ANY racial or demographic profiling without the bloodwork and family history to support it is grossly inaccurate and NOT a way to base a diagnosis or prescription. Even with a family history on file, anomolies happen (look at me, diabetes and high blood pressure on both sides of my family, and with me being overweight -- most likely candidate, nothing -- no diabetes, BP 118/80 as of Friday).

    Furthermore, for her to prescribe you diet pills (which are proven to cause heart, kidney, and liver problems) without your bloodwork in her hands is CRIMINAL!!! I would start filing MANY LOUD complaints IN WRITING to everyone above that quack in the clinic and university hierarchy. If you have to, take it all the way to the Dean's office. For this quack to prescribe HIGHLY addictive substances without validating bloodwork is MAJOR cause for the university to have concern. She barely addressed your issue that brought you to the clinic in the first place, and may have instilled in you a mistrust of doctors, when there ARE some good ones out there.

    My advice on injuries.... screw the clinic, just go to the local hospital emergency room.

    My only advice about your weight, is to weigh yourself occasionally. Measurements are a good indicator, but knowing where your weight is, is also good.

    Now about your poor wrenched knee. Ice it 20 mins on/20 mins off. Elevation. Rest. Ibuprofen. Go to the drugstore, they have support braces and ace bandages. Tape that baby up - just not too tight, you don't want to inhibit blood flow. Please note, I'm not a doctor, I'm just accident prone. If a body part can be injured in a stupid manner, I've done it, so I'm kind of a pro at first aid.

    Ice that knee and cheer up. Everyone here is with you and supports you! :love:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    What a terrible, terrible doctor! I'm so sorry you had to put up with her ignorance and ineptitude.
  • OhJackie
    OhJackie Posts: 7 Member
    That doctor is a total QUACK!! First off, to harrass you to tears is just WRONG! Next to tell you that having cereal is okay before having bloodwork done is incorrect. In order to get fairly accurate results, it has to be a FASTING bloodwork (your right in your thoughts on that one). I just had mine done on my yearly physical on Friday, and I make my doctor's appointment as early as posible so that I can be fasting, while not getting headachey and cranky.

    Next to say that European whites don't have the diabetes problems that African Americans have is just plain old WRONG and grossly inaccurate. To do ANY racial or demographic profiling without the bloodwork and family history to support it is grossly inaccurate and NOT a way to base a diagnosis or prescription. Even with a family history on file, anomolies happen (look at me, diabetes and high blood pressure on both sides of my family, and with me being overweight -- most likely candidate, nothing -- no diabetes, BP 118/80 as of Friday).

    Furthermore, for her to prescribe you diet pills (which are proven to cause heart, kidney, and liver problems) without your bloodwork in her hands is CRIMINAL!!! I would start filing MANY LOUD complaints IN WRITING to everyone above that quack in the clinic and university hierarchy. If you have to, take it all the way to the Dean's office. For this quack to prescribe HIGHLY addictive substances without validating bloodwork is MAJOR cause for the university to have concern. She barely addressed your issue that brought you to the clinic in the first place, and may have instilled in you a mistrust of doctors, when there ARE some good ones out there.

    My advice on injuries.... screw the clinic, just go to the local hospital emergency room.

    My only advice about your weight, is to weigh yourself occasionally. Measurements are a good indicator, but knowing where your weight is, is also good.

    Now about your poor wrenched knee. Ice it 20 mins on/20 mins off. Elevation. Rest. Ibuprofen. Go to the drugstore, they have support braces and ace bandages. Tape that baby up - just not too tight, you don't want to inhibit blood flow. Please note, I'm not a doctor, I'm just accident prone. If a body part can be injured in a stupid manner, I've done it, so I'm kind of a pro at first aid.

    Ice that knee and cheer up. Everyone here is with you and supports you! :love:

    I have been looking at articles online saying that I indeed needed to fast before taking those tests otherwise the results are invalid. Huge mistake on having her push me around.

    My mom's side has been very healthy and my father's side *he's is an AA* does have problems with high blood pressure, which I might experience as I get older (I'm now 110/77), but not a huge problem on the diabetes.

    I do have a goal weight in mind *135* and I need to weigh myself more regularly. Because there will be week were I don't know how much I weigh :/

    I definitely go the knee problem fixed! Took an anti inflamatory pill the day before and yesterday and by the end of yesterday, I was completely fine and was able to climb stairs again with ease *yay!*

    I really appreciate all this support! I've really been down on myself because of what happened. Now I feel like I can move on and keep going!! I wish I could hug you all! lol
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    SERIOUSLY! i'm so sorry you had to see a DR so mean and judgmental. she needs to be slapped. anyway, i wouldn't take those pills that suppress your appetite, they're basically speed. i would just do it right with diet and exercise. ((hugs))
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    Fire your doctor and find a new one.

    I wouldnt take appetite suppressants, but I would consider getting a diabetic test.....just for your own health. From a doctor you trust!
    Keep up making the positive changes you have been making........
    Oh and your beautiful now as well as a year from now!!!
  • tsgaddy
    tsgaddy Posts: 96 Member
    And for the record, not all AA people have diabetes! A lot of the diabetes these days are brought on by the medications that many of the doctors are prescribing. And they're prescribing these medications because a lot of people do not want to change their eating/exercise habits.

    Thank you, thank you and just in case I forget - THANK YOU!
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    That's a horrible experience and I'm so sorry that you had it. I have absolutely no medical background, but you seem like a rational, kind, motivated person, who absolutely doesn't need diet pills, who is already beautiful, and who deserves a dedicated medical professional that is compassionate and realistic as well.

    Get a second opinion. I'd hug you if I could. :heart:
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Yes, a GOOD dr would have listened to you, how you're making changes, and applauded you for it, perhaps given some additional helpful pointers to help you along, healthy eating/ excersize tips, etc., and perhaps tried to get you to set up a future check in appt. But for her to just make assumptions based on appearance, and then prescribe a pill???? Seriously??

    Can you find another doc? Cuz I sure as hell wouldn't go back to that one. And I might report her to someone.

    You're doing great. You just keep it up and don't let one incompetent *kitten* get you down ;)
  • PA21
    PA21 Posts: 95 Member
    THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE WHEN I WAS A TEENAGER AND IT STILL HURTS MY FEELINGS! From all the responses to this, I'm sure you know you are NOT alone in this! It sucks that it happened, and I'm sorry you feel like you weren't listened to and she just kept running her mouth. She really must have thought she was helping. You are doing REALLY WELL on your own. (sorry about the caps but I feel this is important!)
    I'll answer your questions!
    Should I even pick up the prescription of the appetite suppressers if I have been doing very well so far on portion control?
    No. You don't need them if you are doing well with portion control. Just make sure you aren't just *telling* yourself that. I can't imagine being in college and dieting. It must be really, really difficult!
    When she gave me the blood work, she asked if I ate anything that day and I said "Yes, right before I went into the office, I had a small 120 cal bag of Cinnamon toast crunch w/o milk" and she said it wouldn't affect my results, but I'm afraid it's going to show that I have diabetes, when really I just ate cereal that morning. So am I suppose to fast before the blood work? Or would it have not changed my results?
    I think in asking this question, you know what you have to do. Get new blood work done. It should ideally be done in the morning after not eating since 7 pm the night before.
    Was she even right to introduce that problem to me?

    I truly believe this woman was trying to be helpful, but ended up hurting your feelings. In the healthcare system in America, it's often said that there isn't a lot of care going into the health of the consumer... err... patient than there used to be. Maybe she was trying to be "caring" and "give guidance" as I'm sure she is trained as a healthcare professional in an institution full of young people would be, but it came out completely wrong.
    Should I just agree with her and say that because I'm half AA that I'm on the road to diabetes?
    You're an individual of mixed races. Your genes are the genes of the future. Don't worry too much about it and keep on the right track!
    My last question is has anyone had these kind of experiences?

    Yes sweetie, yes! A lot of healthcare professionals see stuff everyday that is the consequence of poor choices (health wise). They feel the need to caution those who don't seem to be on the right "path." However it is a fine line between caring and attentive to patronizing. I had a doctor try to prescrible me Phen Phen (before your time) when I was 16. i just went in for a my school check up and this doctor was trying to give me some serious weight loss drug (which got pulled shortly after). I left his office DEVASTATED and a wreck, but got over it eventually.
    For every bad healthcare professional, there are 10 more amazing ones. Angels! I have a FANTASTIC GP right now that I can ask anything of and she is patient and caring with me. It took me 30 years to find her (and FINALLY get diagnosed with ADHD after struggling for my entire life). Keep your head up and don't worry about the haters! They are just there to remind you the path you have chosen is the right one :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Both my parents had diabetes. My sister was pre-diabetic, and turned it around by living a healthier lifestyle.

    But I suppose by that quack's rationale, I shouldn't have any concern about my blood glucose levels, since I'm white. :noway:
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    From the sounds of it you do not go to your doctor regularly so you need to remember that she is not following your weight loss journey. What i find is that sometimes you get wrapped up in how much better you look to yourself that you almost forget that its still unhealthy, even though you might be living a HEALTHIER lifestyle. Your doctor doesnt sound like a very nice lady, but you can't blame her completely.... most people DO lie because they dont want the shame of admitting they eat out on a regular basis. Its actually true that certain back rounds are more susceptible to disease (its simple sucky genetics), so your lucky she's getting that checked for you. Try not to be discouraged, she may have a phD but of that very little is training in nutrition. Ask to go see a nutritionist or find one on your own. Dont take the medication if your not comfortable with it, and keep going with your weight loss journey!
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    And for the record, not all AA people have diabetes! A lot of the diabetes these days are brought on by the medications that many of the doctors are prescribing.
    This is quite possibly how my mom became diabetic. She was prescribed a form of steroid for chronic back pain, and started showing symptoms within a few months. Then, some time after she was finally diagnosed, her pharmacist brother in Korea heard what happened and told her that steroids can kill pancreas. She goes to a different doctor now, who is very patient and professional, and doesn't prescribe her crap. (My mom's not in AA, nor is she a drinker, but that's irrelevant)
  • jus_me77
    jus_me77 Posts: 47
    You need to change your doctor. That was very rude and unprofessional of her. You need to report her to the medical board. Please, please do not take diet pills! You are doing great. I was recently diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia that was possibly brought on by me taking phentermine. I am on heart meds now because my resting heart rate was around 120 and it would shoot up to the 280's. Keep doing what you are doing. You will get there on your own.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Thank you for the overwhelming responses! I was just glad that someone responsed and understand/experience the same feelings I had!
    -Another thing was I almost felt like deserved to be talked to like that, because I have a hard time sticking up for myself in situations where someone is being overbearing and my mom gets onto me for that all the time *laughs* I really should've compained or made it clear that I was already dieting and being healthy. But lesson learned, I'm just not going to visit there again and go to the military hospital where they treat me a lot better.

    :cry: I just want to hug you:ohwell:

    I am the same way, but 50 yrs of living has taught me to speak up. If you are worried about bloodwork, check with your parents for a dr in your health insurance system close by.

    One of the things I do:blushing: is write a letter to the offending person. You do not have to send it, but put your words on paper. Great therapy. Well I just realized, that is what your doing here!! LOL palm to face...

    Keep up the good work on the healthier eating and exercise.

    Oh and BTW, my 2 friends that are the fittest of everyone I know, both twisted their knees. One skiing and the other playing tennis. Neither are over weight.

    Jerk doctor:explode:
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    And for the record, not all AA people have diabetes! A lot of the diabetes these days are brought on by the medications that many of the doctors are prescribing.
    This is quite possibly how my mom became diabetic. She was prescribed a form of steroid for chronic back pain, and started showing symptoms within a few months. Then, some time after she was finally diagnosed, her pharmacist brother in Korea heard what happened and told her that steroids can kill pancreas. She goes to a different doctor now, who is very patient and professional, and doesn't prescribe her crap. (My mom's not in AA, nor is she a drinker, but that's irrelevant)

    She meant African American :]
  • She sounds awful, and you sound in tune with yourself.

    Find a new doctor, and trust yourself that you are doing well on your journey to lose some weight (your measurements are hardly extreme).

    I would also be tempted to report her for her inappropriate judgemental attitude. Whether or not you do this is by the by, but I would avoid the appetite suppressants and keep on doing what you've been doing. Sounds like you've achieved a lot to me (and your dad sounds a great inspiration, too).
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Everybody has said what I wanted to say. Just wanted to add that I'd feel just like you do if I was treated so disrespectfully by such an arrogant "professional''.
  • grimnir
    grimnir Posts: 61 Member
    That is a situation where I would have gotten real confrontational real quick. Calling me a liar is fighting words, and I wouldn't put up with it. I'm white, but I'd also take serious offense at the racist bull****. That's not okay, and her boss needs to hear about it. Might want to find yourself a doctor review website to complain on, as well. She is not House and haranguing her patients is not acceptable professional behavior.

    I would be okay with the prescription, though. You can always sell the pills for extra $$$... Certainly you shouldn't take them if you don't want to, nor should you consider the opinion of this doctor to be valid.
  • kinlowd
    kinlowd Posts: 9
    Your doctor is crazy. You have gone down in weight. She needed to listen to you. If she wasn't willing to listen and then accused you of lying when you have been doing the things you need to do to lose weight, then forget this doctor. My doctors didn't start to say anything about my weight until I was already well over 200 pounds. Also, they didn't tell me the problems i could develop until after I reached over 300 pounds. I'm on my way back down but darn it, someone should have said something. But then again, this has been over the last 15 years.

    The key thing is. I'm on my way back down, and my doctor listens to me about what I say I'm doing and will provide alternatives. He's never offered an appetite suppressant (even when i thought I needed one) instead he helped me figure out how much I could really eat on 1700 calories a day and consistent exercise.

    I'm happy for your success so far, and don't let this quack of a doctor destroy your positive self image and hinder your progress with unnecessary judgement.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    She's a git--reminds me of my own EX-medical professional!

    Your blood sugar will show true--eating a bowl of cereal won't make you show diabetic, especially if two hours had passed. Plus, if she did blood work, she's looking at your A1c, and what you had for breakfast won't affect that at all--it's an average, not a glucose reading.

    A few weeks ago, my EX-medical professional told me I was lying about how much weight I'd lost. So I totally get where you are here.

    I would ditch the script--you're doing this in a healthy manner, and popping appetite suppressants isn't going to be good for you. Even if these things weren't being forever recalled for cardiac damage or kidney and liver damage, fact is, you can't pop pills forever. Better you do what you're doing and make real changes--like you are.

    I'm sorry this happened to you. Sometimes I think doctors need new sensitivity chips. Or good smacks upside the head when they act this way.
