I thought i knew

I thought i knew what sparked my unhealthy relationship with food and that was having kids.
Until today! i was watching a programme about eating and food relationships and how to trace back to the source, it wasnt until i sat back and thought hard it was actually when my mother passed away, i didnt comfort eat the point was i didnt eat hardly at all and i was very slim, then 2 yrs later my younger sister died in which time i had had my first baby. I attributed weight gain with having a baby but i now recall getting back into my skinny jeans 2 weeks after my girl was born then 3 months later my sister passing. Then the weight crept up and up. I just put it down to being at home munching all day because im a mum?
So although i lost weight when my mum passed i think it triggered a bad relationship with food from one extreme to another.
Does that seem to make sense ????


  • 2chubby4now
    2chubby4now Posts: 93 Member
    Makes sense to me. Now you just have to go from here and work with what you have learned. Keep it up!