cycling effort question...

I've been doing cycling on my stationary bike at home and I'm never sure what to enter it as on here in terms of effort. I did between 80 and 90 rpm for the majority of the time I was on the bike, would you say this was low, moderate, vigorous or very vigorous?

Thanks in advance for your help


  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Depends on the resistance level. If you don't have an HRM, the next best thing is your use your perceived exertion level. Did it feel easy? Then pick low. Did it feel very vigorous? Then pick very vigorous. :)
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Depends on the resistance level. If you don't have an HRM, the next best thing is your use your perceived exertion level. Did it feel easy? Then pick low. Did it feel very vigorous? Then pick very vigorous. :)

    Absolutely agree. But I really would recommend a HRM; I found I was overestimating calorie expenditure significantly until I got one.
  • Luthorcrow
    Luthorcrow Posts: 193
    I can't speak for stationary bikes but I can tell as some that raced real bikes 80-90 rpm is not fast or hard effort. It would not be bad for someone getting into shape but the general rule was 90-100 when not sprinting on flat or relatively flat ground.

    If aerobic capacity is your goal a fast pace on most days is better than resistance. No one trains on hills every day. Like interval sprint training it is supplement rather than a daily routine.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Like another said, depends on the resistance. I think your fitness level contributes too. I sweat up a storm and get my HR up around 80% of my maximum on my stationary bike, but my burn is comparable to "moderate effort." I think that's because I'm not insanely fit/ strong. A fitter, stronger person would be able to burn more at the same perceived effort level.

    I simplify it like this... calorie expenditure is ENERGY expenditure. If you hook up your bike to a generator, who do you think would generate more energy? Me or a world class cyclist? :laugh: