how do you fight it???



  • MuchMovement
    MuchMovement Posts: 100
    Find an emotional eating mantra that feels true for you, and stay busy!

    Some examples are:

    "Will this make me happier than achieving my goal?"

    "My willpower is stronger than my desire to eat'"

    'I'll feel worse after I've eaten that and I don't deserve to feel bad about myself"

    "Eating when I don't truly want to is self abuse"
  • jgdragonfly411
    I've turned to exercise when my emotions take hold. When I'm angry, I run/walk, when I'm sad, I run/walk, when I'm stressed I run or do yoga. They clear my head. Workouts make my day better. If I REALLY feel like I need something to eat, I keep Kashi granola bars handy. They're low in calories and some of them have chocolate which gives me that little endorphin kick. But a good run really does help clear your mind. I take that time to let everything go, and focus on my breath... where my feet are landing... what's around me... sounds... smells.. breezes.