So very broken.

Sometimes this battle seems so overwhelming. How am I ever going to lose over 200 lbs? How will I ever be healthy? I know that if I was responding to this post, I would say, "One lb, one goal at a time." But, I'm honestly at a point where all I can do is cry. I no longer feel productive. Just sad. :( Not even sure how the next lb is coming off.
Just needed to vent.


  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 435 Member
    Baby steps! Set little mini goals for yourself. And once you accomplish those mini goals, you're closer to dropping 200 pounds. If you need a good cry, then cry. But if you need a friend to message, or encourage you, then... You can add me. :)
  • BranMuffin21
    BranMuffin21 Posts: 157 Member
    Its good to vent! Take one step at a time, its doesn't cost to go for a walk, just the cost of losing weight, which is good! Most people don't realize that if you spend a little time reasearching it can save you a lot of money on things you need! Hope your day goes better!
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    hey girl. a lot of us have been there too. remember its about the journey, not always just the destination. keep your head up. i've cried over this stuff too... but we were born for battle! thankfully we have each other.. so, keep truckin' my lady.
  • XxBri22xX
    XxBri22xX Posts: 183
    Anything is possible. You can do it, you just have to be motivated. Keep eating healthy and exercising as much as you can. Just keep picturing how great you will look and feel once the weight comes off. Set small goals to reach and give yourself a reward each time you succeed. One day, one pound at a time. Hang in there and good luck!!!
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    This is the place to be when you need to vent!!! We are here for you. I used to think I had sooo much to loose, I'd never get there. Then I started going 10 lbs. by 10 lbs., and it doesn't seem so overwhelming. Also at 10 lbs., I do see some results, either by scale, or by clothes, or by measurements. I feel smaller with every 10 lbs. too. Keep focusing on the small, wonderful changes. Hang in there, and don't give up!!! :happy:
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I know how you feel. I too have over 200 to lose.
    Hang in there sweetie.
    It didn't take us days to get where we are, it won't take us days to get to where we want to be.
    Be strong. It's one step at a time. You'll get there. =)
    Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • jenfitz34
    jenfitz34 Posts: 31
    I too have felt this way, and there isn't much anyone can say that will make it feel better so I'm not going to try to give you any advice. Just offering some support and a virtual hug.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Have you ever joined a challenge here on MFP? I find them to be very motivating, and you set small reachable goals for the challenge time period. Give one a try if you haven't done so! The Battle of the Bulge (BOB) summer challenge is an extremely motivating one and you can join at any time. There are also various groups for people with certain amounts of weight to lose, for example, I have seen groups for people wanting to lose 100 plus pounds. I find it helpful to connect with other MFPers with similar goals and challenges.

    This is the address for the current thread:

    This is the address for the website made by the creator of this challenge:

    Good luck & don't give up!

    Check it out!
  • kittycat613
    kittycat613 Posts: 55 Member
    You can do it hun. Look at how far you've come already! It may not seem like a lot to you, but it is! And you should be SO proud of yourself! You are taking the steps to better your life, which is amazing! I know it's hard and I have days like that as well. I can so relate to you because I have 200+ lbs to lose. Some days I'm just so done with it, but I remember that I am doing this to better my life. Just remember that. You can do it, keep pressing on. Just have faith in yourself and remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. This is a lifestyle change and, while it may be slow going, it WILL happen and you will be so proud of yourself when you hit your goal! :)
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member

    That is all. You know the rest. And that's why you'll be okay.
  • bouche05
    bouche05 Posts: 13
    I'm there with you! I have over 200lbs to lose too but I started with something fun..bootcamp! Everyone is so encouraging and makes you really want to do it! I started at 396 on 5/26/11 today I weighed in at 373..come on we can do it!
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    ((hugs)) I have been there; it is tough. It is very, very tough. I try not to think about the pounds-- it can be very intimidating, especially at the beginning. I try to look at my daily goals and let MFP do the rest. I set my food and exercise goals and each day do my best to meet those. Concentrating on my calories for one day seemed much more manageable to me. One day after another I did this until it was my weekly weigh-in. Having one day to be accountable for my weight helped me stay in the day-to-day mind frame also. Weeks turned into months, and now the new lifestyle seems like my new normal. At the beginning I was obsessed and probably drove my friends crazy thinking about calories in and calories out. It does get easier I promise.
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    The most motivational thing for me was to remember that next year I'll be a year older no matter what I do. How healthy I'll be a year from now.. now THAT is up to me. Time's going to pass regardless. What I can control is how I choose to greet it.
  • melodys_attic
    melodys_attic Posts: 114 Member
    The truth is that this is really hard! It is! We have to keep believing that it's worth making the effort. And if, as we travel this hard road, we have times when we just feel like crying, isn't it great we have each other to confide in? Notice that none of us here is surprised at how you are feeling. We all know this can be overwhelming. But the only way to get there, as you yourself said, isone step at a time. And every day we have to do something nice and relaxing for ourselves to take care of our spirits. So I'll take the advice I'm giving you and go have a bubble bath to feel better about my own plateau, which has been going for several months now, and get up tomorrow to a new day and a new bunch of salads. At least there are strawberries this time of year ;D
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    Baby steps! Set little mini goals for yourself. And once you accomplish those mini goals, you're closer to dropping 200 pounds. If you need a good cry, then cry. But if you need a friend to message, or encourage you, then... You can add me. :)

    Sweet heart it will be ok! I have 170 to loose, probably more like 200, but for now thats my goal! Ive been on here for a month & have gained & lost & gained & lost! something that keeps me goin is looking at the ppls before & after pictures. it will be a long process, but worth it. we didnt put it on n a month, it will take a while to take it off! These ppl here r real. They have done it & can give words of encouragement, words of wisdom or just a pic u up! WE CAN DO IT!!! Chin up! CRY when u need to cry, smile when u need to & vent when u need to!! we r all listening!:wink::flowerforyou:
  • JeffGDDG
    JeffGDDG Posts: 252 Member
    Awww :-( Sometimes when it all seems too long for me I think of just losing 5 or some other number instead of the whole thing. I have about 56 to go but my next goal is just 2 pounds and then 5 after that. Hang in there!
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    I'm with you. I've amended my goals to be a final weight of 165 (from 145, with a muscle mass of 136, I found out later). I set mini goals, figuring 10 pounds every two months wouldn't be too bad... And I made my first one! I hit 210 by March 31. Then came 200 by May 31. I hit 201 by about May 24. Then... I don't know what happened. I'm STILL bouncing around between 202 and 204, and I can't get under 200 to save my life. I even did the 30DS, and while I lost thirty six inches that way, I lost ZERO pounds. Not one. Still haven't. Don't know why, but I do know it's incredibly frustrating, maddening, and boy would it be nice to just not care and do whatever the blazes I feel like again. It's even worse knowing I've been busting my butt working out and still nothing. But... Here I am. Dunno if it's stubborn, stupid, insane or dedication, but I'm still here.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    i know how you feel. and you are right saying 1 step at a time and believing it are two different things. Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed. I tell my self, I am just going to try to lose 5 or 10 and I will actually care around a 10 lb weight with me to remind myself what a huge difference just losing 10 lbs makes.

    We are moving around these heavy bodies all the time. Imagine how it will feel to live to be 80, 90, live that long you have to do what is required to make it.

    I've recently rediscovered my motivation and it wasn't by making a goal it was about producing an outcome.

    I want to see my grandchildren, I want to be able to play with and keep up with my great grandchildren, like my grandmother does at 80. All the people I know over 80 and 90, I know 6 of them are all thin, none of them are obese, have diabetes or cholesterol issues. When I feel like stopping walking, cause i"m just plain bored or feeling lazy, I tell my self I can do 5 more minutes. and I picture myself playing with my 3 month old son's children.

    I want my outcome to be different for my son's then it has been for me. I want them to have a mom that lives past 60. I want them to have someone to call to babysit when they want to go out at night. I want to be that person.

    Being morbidly obese isn't going to get me there and it won't get you there either.

    Get up now and just march in place for 10 minutes. Then you can say you did something. Or get up and sit down 20 times on the couch. UP down UP down. I hope you will do 1 tiny thing it will help your spirit so much.
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    Hi rosieflo!
    Let me start with a cheesy quote to share with you how I get it to work for me.
    "To fly as fast as thought, to anywhere that is, you must first begin by realizing that you have already arrived." (R.Bach)
    In order for me to not become overwhelmed, I have to first and foremost change my mindset. I don't look at my weight loss efforts as a huge, hard, monumental task or even a goal. (Though of course, I do have goals.)
    I can't look at it as being in a deprived state. In my mind, I tell myself that I ALREADY AM the person that I want to be, the person already at my goal. In my mind I AM thin and healthy, and I don't overeat or eat junk. I AM a person who eats healthy food and cares about her weight and appearance. In my mind, I am already there. It IS who I am. Already. Now.
    Thisi helps me so much when I feel tempted by junk food or binges. I just realize in my mind that I am not a person that does that. I care about myself and my health and my appearance.
    'Cause where the mind goes, the body is sure to follow.
    I hope this makes some kind of sense! Be the person that you want to be NOW! You are not the person you used to be before you made the committment to yourself to change for the better!
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    The people here are the best on earth. And I definitely agree that mini goals are the way to go.