Weight Gain conunderum (sp)

kirstiey Posts: 243
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey people. Weight loss conunderum.

I am on a 1300 cal diet. I have been losing 1lb per week nicely (Lowest weight 157). Over the last couple of days there were birthday's so I ate around 1000 cals over my goal, over the week. This would give me a NET of around 1443....why did this make me put on 3lbs when it is still under maintainance for 157 lbs?:grumble:

Any ideas?



  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    Maybe it's just a one off as you have been consistently under your calorie goal or maybe you miscalculated calories consumed? Wait and see what next week brings.
  • shelltree
    shelltree Posts: 169 Member
    I'd definitely wait and see what next week brings. I had a huge binge while I was away on a 4 day beach holiday and when I came back I weighed 1.65kg heavier and I was horrified! It didn't take long for the kg's to start coming off again once I was back into healthy eating and exercise again just wait til next week and see what the scales have to say :)

    All the best!
  • lou1604
    lou1604 Posts: 15
    i can make you feel better love :-) - according to my scales i have gained 6lbs in a week !
    I had a bad bad weekend but surely is that possible ??
  • trapitt
    trapitt Posts: 93 Member
    I would put it down to too much sodium and drink some extra water. Within a day or two you will be back to normal.
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    I agree I should play the long game. Don't think I will get back on to goal track though ;o( Will have to add a couple of weeks to my goal date. BOO!!!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I fluctuate as much as 5 lbs. from one day to the next, even if I hit net perfectly. Your body is probably more like mine than someone who sees smaller fluctuations. Don't worry about it. Long-term trends.
  • Measuring only body weight is not a great idea, and it is hard to give advice without more information.

    First, you must calculate your %bodyfat which you can Calculate using a tape measure, here:file:///var/mobile/Applications/B6C8F52D-7255-4207-AA63-D86E6145923E/Documents/SavedWebpages/CircumferenceBodyfatCalculator-TheNavyFormula.htm

    Next, you must know your TDEE, which you can get from here: http://www.cordianet.com/calculator.htm

    You should eat 500 calories less a day than your TDEE to lose that pound a week. You may have to eat more than you currently are eating.

    Eat your meals 4-5times a day. Every 3 hours.

    Cardio three times a week, weight or resistance training 3days a week.

    Read burn the fat feed the muscle for more information. You want to burn fat so weight loss does not come from lean body mass. Measuring body composition every week and adjusting diet and/or exercise according to results is key.
  • cameralinds
    cameralinds Posts: 239
    I always remind myself that weight fluctuates 3-5lbs usually. Sometimes even more. The added weight gain could just be due to water retention, lack of pooping, etc.
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