Any New Mums looking to lose around 2 stone?? If so please

shazmos Posts: 3 Member
Hi all.

I recently had my 3rd son on 17th May and unfortunatley put on more than just the baby weight (he was 5ib, lol).

So here I am with a long road ahead off me and I want to lose 2 stone by New years eve 2011 (my birthday).

Anyone else in the same boat?



  • EmsyLou77
    EmsyLou77 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi, just wanted to say I was in your position a few months back, had my 2nd baby 9 months ago and had over 2 stone to lose. And have done it thanks to MFP!

    Wishing you all the best, you can definitely do it!
