One week down . . . . and here to stay!

Hello everyone!

A friend of mine told me (and my wife) about this site about a week ago. We were at a baseball tournament, and I wasn't exactly proud of my performance that weekend. I noticed he had dropped some weight so I asked him what he was doing that is working so well. Thats when he told us about

At first we thought "This is great! We don't even have to think about it!". The real truth is, but in a good way, I've never thought so much about what I'm putting into my body! I set my profile to lose 2 pounds a week and on my first week I had a 6 pound loss! Probably mostly water, but I'll take it!

This site does make you think about every thing you eat. It makes you look at how many calories you are burning through exercise. Which is great, because it makes me realize if I'm working out too little, or too much. It lets me sees areas that I can improve. It is a nice tool that if you apply some critical thinking, and make the right choices, I'm hoping it can really take me to great fitness heights!

About 5 days after I started MFP, I got a message from a friend of mine that he is hosting a martial arts seminar in Aug with our old instructor, who is one the best instructors on the planet! (Don't worry, this is not a commercial) I had trained in Martial Arts for 10 years and had to quit because of back problems. My back has been fine for a couple years now, but I've just been lazy. This upcoming seminar was the extra kick in the rear end that I needed to get going on this!

Anyways, enough babbling, I'm going back to my protein shake now. :)


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome and good luck with your weight loss goals!!
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Good for you bro. Stick with it and you'll be successful.