Healthy, low calorie lunch (for work) ideas?



  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I would cut out the microwave meals. I honestly don't often recommend cutting something out completely, but I used to eat them all the time, and it was only when I switched to fresh food that I realised how truly unsatisfying they are! Plus, they are full of salt.

    I usually eat a salad with a chicken breast or salmon fillet, and a hard boiled egg. It's full of protein, it takes minimal time to prepare, and it fills me up for ages. Plus chicken is versatile, sometimes I make homemade chicken nuggets, or cajun chicken, or tomato and basil chicken, etc, so it doesn't get boring.

    You could also try making extra for dinner and taking it into work the next day.
  • roseymacdoo
    roseymacdoo Posts: 113 Member
    I pretty much have soup every day. I buy a couple of pots/cartons of Glorious Skinny / New Covent Garden / Own brand soup from the supermarket on the way in to work on a Monday then have half a pot each day done in the microwave at work, with a couple of ryvita broken up into 'croutons'. Yummy, varied and usually around 200 cals per lunch. And if you get the Glorious 'Meal' Soups (mmmmm the new york chicken noodle and the sunny thai chicken are delish) they are honestly really filling. Also the Glorious Skinny Goan Tomato & lentil - super filling!

    And then on the 5th day, she ate a boots shapers meal deal!!
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    I have a super large appetite, myself, so soup doesn't usually cut it for me either. Anything that's high in protein is usually more filling.

    How about roasting a whole chicken (so easy!), then using that meat for your meals in the days to come. You don't have to worry about added sodium (which most deli meats are loaded with) or other additives. It's delicious, filling, and good for you. You can make whatever you want with the chicken... salads, pita pockets, stews, or just on its own.

    Also check out quinoa salads - high in protein on its own, versatile and filling, especially if you add chicken or other protein.

    Also "white chili" - using ground turkey or chicken, loaded with different veggies (peppers, tomatoes, courgette, beans), and topped with some shredded cheese or light sour cream or greek yogurt. Very yummy and filling!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    No leftovers? My go to is usually a wrap - basically some sort of protein (chicken, tuna, cheese, hummus, etc.), a generous handful of dark leafy stuff, other chopped veggies/fruit I find in fridge), maybe some hot sauce or vinaigrette all rolled up into a high fiber wrap. Easy peasy, as low calorie as the stuff I roll up.
  • majorgal01
    I have sandwiches and raw veggies a lot, but I also make a big batch of soup on Sundays. The soup makes 12+ servings and my husband and I use it for lunches. I make a wide variety. Easy, healthy, relatively cheap, and delicious! Throw in a small piece of bread and some fruit and you have a great meal.
  • jrompola
    jrompola Posts: 153 Member

    I'm looking for some ideas for things to eat at work when I go on lunch. I usually have around 400-500 calories for lunch and mostly I have a sandwich or a pasta pot but I'm getting bored of eating the same thing all the time. What do you guys eat for lunch at work?

    There are a couple of things I'm looking for...
    1) Obviously it has to be low in fat/calories i.e. not a microwave cheeseburger!
    2) It has to be quick. A couple of minutes in the microwave maybe.
    3) It's got to be filling. Soup just doesn't do it for me!

    Today I found a Microwave Bombay Potato pot in Tesco. It was only £1.30, 300 calories for the whole 300g pot and it took 5 minutes in the microwave. I've never thought of Bombay Potato for lunch but it was really tasty and quite satisfying :-)

    Over to you.....

    Friend me if you'd like and check out what I eat. I have basically the same thing for lunch every day.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Near East taboulle and then turn it into a salad.. under 100 calories and it's barley. No microwave required. have it with peanut butter toast or some leftovers of last nights dinnner.. you can put chicken, tuna, beef shrimp whatever in it too.

    Tortialla, leftover meat from last night sprinkle cheese.. microwave to heat up.. top with lettuce tomato, avocado mushroom and whatever other veggie you like.. insta hot wrap!

    Quesdillas - Tortilla, cheese (chicken or beef if you want) fold in half, microwave - top with tomato, salsa, guac, onion, sour cream, yogurt or whatever your heart desires.
  • BuffyEat2Live
    BuffyEat2Live Posts: 327 Member
    I usually cook a big meal of beans, rice, and veggies and bring little containers of leftovers to work through the week. Otherwise just a good old PB&J on a bagel thin with a side of carrot sticks and yogurt or a frozen burrito work great.