Hi! Newbie from Long Island, New York

tsg177 Posts: 10
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone. I have been reading a lot of the posts and can relate to so many of you. I had gone on Weight Watchers back in March and have lost 55 lbs and was so proud of myself. However, in August we went on 2 family vacations and I gained almost 10 pounds back. I guess this isn't bad considering I did loss 55 in the first place but I can't seem to get myself back on track to just lose the 10 lbs. I gained. I can't seem to control myself around food lately. I have 3 children ranging from 8 1/2 to 3 and a husband who doesn't get home until very late so making dinner can be a problem. I normally make the kids something they will eat and then I eat a lean cuisine or weight watcher meal. Usually this is fine for me but lately I can't seem to stop picking at everyone elses food. I do have very good will power but something seems to have taken over and I can't find it anymore. I need to lose more weight so I can continue to feel better. Since I have lost the above weight I do not take my heartburn and asthma medicine any more and my blood pressure went back down to normal. This should be an incentive but like I said, I can't get back on track. I also walk for about 30 minutes 4 to 5 days a week. :sad:

Enough about me. Any suggestions from anyone? Thanks!


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  • tsg177
    tsg177 Posts: 10
    Hi everyone. I have been reading a lot of the posts and can relate to so many of you. I had gone on Weight Watchers back in March and have lost 55 lbs and was so proud of myself. However, in August we went on 2 family vacations and I gained almost 10 pounds back. I guess this isn't bad considering I did loss 55 in the first place but I can't seem to get myself back on track to just lose the 10 lbs. I gained. I can't seem to control myself around food lately. I have 3 children ranging from 8 1/2 to 3 and a husband who doesn't get home until very late so making dinner can be a problem. I normally make the kids something they will eat and then I eat a lean cuisine or weight watcher meal. Usually this is fine for me but lately I can't seem to stop picking at everyone elses food. I do have very good will power but something seems to have taken over and I can't find it anymore. I need to lose more weight so I can continue to feel better. Since I have lost the above weight I do not take my heartburn and asthma medicine any more and my blood pressure went back down to normal. This should be an incentive but like I said, I can't get back on track. I also walk for about 30 minutes 4 to 5 days a week. :sad:

    Enough about me. Any suggestions from anyone? Thanks!


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  • debmac63
    debmac63 Posts: 459 Member
    Welcome! I'd say just keep plugging along...and maybe try logging all that food you keep picking off the plates, maybe you'll see just how many calories you're eating in a day. I know that was sure an eye opener for me. Stay with it and I know you'll keep losing.
  • BoPeep1967
    BoPeep1967 Posts: 42 Member
    Welcome, Sandy...I can certainly relate to what you are going through. I was on Weight Watchers back in Jan., but only lost 10 lbs. and got discouraged. I have been trying to lose on my own, but am struggling. Two steps forward, then two steps back. I lost 10 lbs. last year and kept that off, but now I have gained back the 10 I lost this year. My downward spiral started when I went on 2 vacations also. I gained like 5 back, and gained my other 5 back over the past couple of weeks. But I can't seem to get myself back on track. Now I am going on vacation again in another 2 weeks. I am so afraid I will gain even more because I am going on a cruise. Everyone says you gain alot because all you do is eat, eat, eat on a cruise. I can't seem to control myself around food either. Alot of times I do so good at breakfast and lunch, then I shoot myself in the foot at dinner because I always manage to either overeat or make the wrong food choices. I am tired in the evening from working all day and don't seem to have the energy to make a healthy elaborate meal. I just want to pick up something quick alot of the time. I'm not supposed to eat frozen meals like lean cuisine or smart ones because of my high blood pressure. Right now I feel soooooo fat - like a big blob. I need to eat better and keep up with my evening walks so I can feel better. I'm on blood pressure pills and have high cholesterol. My husband has the same. I don't want either of us to die young. I just can't seem to stick with anything for a long period of time. This website seems to help me keep better track of how many calories I have left for the day. It at least keeps me under control. I strayed from here for a month or two, but now I'm back.
    Good luck to you!
    Maryann :flowerforyou:
  • tsg177
    tsg177 Posts: 10
    Thank you for your responses.

    Maryann, I certainly can relate to what you are saying. At first, I thought I was reading something I wrote. I guess everyday is a new day. I just don't want to keep having new days. I want to start having a great day and then another. I am going to try today. . . . no today I am going to do it today even if I have to sew my mouth shut (ha ha). I am going back to Weight Watchers on Sunday so hopefully I will see something even if it is small I will be happy. : -)

    To everyone, have a great day. . . and I keep trying to say . . . . it is only food!

  • BoPeep1967
    BoPeep1967 Posts: 42 Member
    Well, good luck, Sandy...I had a good day yesterday and a good day today, so that's a start.

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