Time to shift that left over baby bump


Been using MFP for about a week now and finding it helpful looking at what I eat. It really is stratign to change my diet.

Ok my story. Just over 2 years ago I had a beautiful baby boy but ever since then I have been carrying around the excess weight of pregnancy which has never really bothered me up til now. 2 months ago my boyfirend of nine years finally proposed and we plan to get married in 2013. I really want to look my best and trim in my wedding dress. Any hints and tips will be gratefully recieved as I am new to this dieting business.


  • binsylad
    binsylad Posts: 99
    OMG.... Diets??? Wrong Place - Nothing but lifestyle changers here MN!!

    Good luck with it all - use the site for its best parts and make a neat little support group etc.


    Mike, UK
  • bebe3232
    bebe3232 Posts: 43
    Shew didn't say anything about a diet she just said to change her diet which would mean to change what she eats. Way to be supportive.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Welcome! Good luck.