
Hi my name is Chris, I'm a 35 year old mother of two girls, one is 14 the other is 5 months ... yes I know big gap. Same hubby! lol

Anyway, I started this because I want my body back! I used to be very athletic and in shape. After this pregnancy I'm 30 pounds heavier than I was and I lost 30 pounds after I had my daughter! I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and I want my heart in shape.

I don't want to find myself at 65 years old unable to do anything after retirement because of health problems. Other wise I'm a pretty healthy person. I cook a lot, so we don't eat out a lot and I think that's in my favor.

I want my daughters to emulate my lifestyle. I don't want them to become lazy adults, they should take pride in themselves all around and being healthy and remaining active is one way to show them how to live healthy lifestyles.

It's a pleasure to meet all of you and I hope you send me a friend request, there's always room in your life for more friends! Good luck!
