11.5 lbs lost in a month!

I started this June 1st, and am really inspired at how easy this app has made weight loss. Everything I eat, is tracked on this app, and when I get to my daily calories I stop. I have not yet utilized the "social" part of this app., but would welcome anyone who wants to be friends, and we can help support and encourage each other.


  • arw060310
    arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
    Wow thats amazing!!! I did the same thing, I used the app alone for awhile, but just recently got on the site and started using the boards.
  • QueenCat25
    QueenCat25 Posts: 130
    That's an amazing loss for a month! This app is the best.
  • cmarshel
    cmarshel Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome aboard!! We joined around the same timeframe and like yourself I'm finding the app in combination with the forums to be working fantastic for me so far.
  • That's great! I managed 10 last month, which wasn't too bad! Feel free to add me! :)
  • Evy10
    Evy10 Posts: 9
    Well done!!

    And I agree, I've lost 4 pounds in under a month!!
  • cckeimig
    cckeimig Posts: 194 Member
    Yeah, it's fantastic! I've just reached 160 straight days of logging everything and it's so habitual now that I don't really consider not logging stuff anymore--now matter how badly I may have slipped that day. I'm now .4 lbs from my goal weight and haven't felt this good/healthy in YEARS!
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    Good for you, and I agree with many others - this site is the difference between success and failure. Tried to drop a few pounds in the past, but never got past 5. I now log every single thing that goes in my mouth, and have lost 16 pounds in two months!

    Keep up the great work everyone!