dealing with pressure

my question is how does everyone deal with people pressuring you into eating?

basically, my entire family eats like crap. theyre country cookers.. so nothing is healthy & if you dont eat their food they feel insulted. or they will make you a plate themselves, and it really bugs me! so i have been trying to only eat a little but then they will be like "you dont like my cooking?" so i have tried eating before, drinking a lot of water, or even faking a stomach ache. but when their food is the obly available at a party for several hours then it becomes very hard. i have also explained to people that i am on a diet (which is embarrassing), and no one will take me seriously.. ugh.

does anyone else have this problem? does anyone have a solution? thoughts & comments appreciated!


  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I tend to say I have an "intolerance" to certain foods (generally the biggest culprits) - and say that eating them gives me an awful stomach ache and I'd rather save myself the grief.
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    I just load my plate up with protein and veges....then when dessert is offered I say maybe later. That seems to make them happy.
  • mendogirl
    mendogirl Posts: 87
    problem is that the protein is usually fried or covered in a high calorie sauce & the vegetables dont exist. ha! fml
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    my mom usually makes very healthy food so I don't have this issue with her...did feel some pressure a couple months ago when I went to the movies and then to dinner with some friends...they kept saying, oh eating junk one day won't hurt ya...and making me feel weird for considering the number of calories I was putting in my body...I've actually avoiding eating out with those particular people for a while, because they were just really insensitive to me at that time.
  • annrum
    annrum Posts: 144
    Is there any chance you can "help out" with the cooking & maybe get some of the protein without the sauce? Try the intolerance route - say to whoever's cooking (if you can't help out) that you can't eat <insert sauce here> because it gives you cramps, could you have a portion without sauce & offer to help cook it if it's going to be a problem for them? You might be able to sneak some veggies in that way too :-)
  • blesliemeow
    That sounds tough. You could focus on portion control and simply add 10-15 mins of exercise to your daily routine to make up for the good home cookin' OR if you really want to start something you could encourage your family to start taking their health more seriously as well! Not including any vegetables in their meals is not a good sign! A lack of veggies in our diets leads to weight gain and depression because of the imbalance of nutrients in our body. But obviously you can't change people who don't want to change :ohwell: I hope you find your solution :smile:
  • AlexandraR2011
    AlexandraR2011 Posts: 114 Member
    My boyfriends family is like that, really "good" cooking. I stayed with them for a few weeks and gained about 7 pounds... oi vey! This time around I'm going to stop eating the sweets they give me and make a huge salad and minimize all other portions and drink water!
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    Well, I eat a little of what is served and when no one is watching I switch plates with my husband... it's cowardly, I know!:blushing: But whenever I've told family I was on a diet they began treating me as if I were terminally ill. Of course, this all came after the guilt for not 'liking the food', etc. I can't tell family I'm intolerant as someone suggested in a previous post, but I do that when I'm with people at a job related function and it does work! I hate to lie but an "I'm sorry, but my doctor recently told me to avoid certain foods because I may be intollerant to certain items and we're trying to discover which" has definitely helped me out. :smile: People tend to look at me sadly and say, "Geez, I hope it's nothing serious" and move on leaving me to my plate of veggies. :wink:
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    I always eat what is served, but I don't eat alot of it. We were the IL's for the weekend and our lunch Sat was hotdogs, hamburgers and pop. I found a bottle of water, ate half a hamburger and shared an orange with my son. They were happy because I ate what they made, and I was happy because I didn't overeat or stuff myself.

    My husbands grandma is like that, she is always trying to force feed me. I know that I'm really overweight when she backs off and leaves me alone...when I was pre-baby and skinny she pretty much followed me around with food. I would just say "I'll find something in a bit when I'm hungry, thanks but no thanks".
  • wwhite94
    wwhite94 Posts: 176 Member
    Try making your own dishes at home and bringing them with you. Just stick with telling them you are on a diet and soon enough they will see the truth of your diet. ITs your body and YOUR health if you dont take care of yourself who will. Just be honest and very polite with them. Put no blame on them and explain once you hit you goal weight then you will be able to enjoy their food on once in a while.