1200 cal....what is your typical day



  • nicsmom2002
    Thanks for all the replies!
  • hmm33502
    hmm33502 Posts: 201 Member
    low cal protein shakes and protein bars. Syntrax Nectar is really good! Protein keeps me full.....plus I'm not a really big meat eater!

    I have an open diary, if you want to take a look. I'm not saying I'm anywhere near perfect, but it works and I rarely go over on cals.
  • hmm33502
    hmm33502 Posts: 201 Member
    low cal protein shakes and protein bars. Syntrax Nectar is really good! Protein keeps me full.....plus I'm not a really big meat eater!

    I have an open diary, if you want to take a look. I'm not saying I'm anywhere near perfect, but it works and I rarely go over on cals.
  • LeahBeah12
    LeahBeah12 Posts: 31 Member
    I usually have Kashi cereal with skim milk for breakfast. Sometimes Cinnamon Burst Cheerios or Fiber One.

    For lunch I usually make a turkey wrap, Progresso Light soup, turkey sandwich on Healthy Life bread, or leftovers.

    For dinner I make what I always have, but just stick to one portion and try to eat a lot of veggies.

    For snacks I like: light string cheese, cottage cheese, greek yogurt with granola, reduced fat Wheat Thins and hummus, 100 calorie yogurt covered pretzels, Skinny Cow, apple with pb, 100 cal bag of popcorn...
  • Brandei
    Brandei Posts: 119 Member
    My Diary is also open, feel free to take a look. However, I fully depend on Slimfast Peanut Butter Crunch bars as my GO TO snack (100 calories and fills me up).
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I net between 1200-1300 calories/day.

    Breakfast is usually:

    1/4 - 1/2 c full fat greek yogurt (honey flavoured)
    1 serving fruit (raspberries, strawberries, or apples have been what I've been eating recently)
    Kashi bar or thin slice of homemade whole wheat bread w/ a tiny bit of peanut butter
    Coffee with a teeny amount of sugar and a splash of milk (I'm weaning myself off of the sugar & gradually reducing the milk)
    Total: 250 - 350 calories

    Lunch is usually:

    Some sort of protein
    Salad (spinach + spring mix)
    Nuts/raisins topping
    Low fat/preservative-free salad dressing
    Total: 300 - 500 calories

    Supper is usually:

    Some sort of protein
    Some sort of complex carb (whole wheat, brown rice, or similar)
    2 servings of raw veggies
    Some sort of sweet treat, normally in a low cal package
    Total: 300 - 600 calories

    I tend towards lower cal options on non-workout days whereas I'll eat more on workout days.

    I'll also have 1-2 snacks in the 100-200 calorie range, depending on what I've eaten and my expected burn (I workout in the late afternoon). I may also have another coffee.

    My next goal is to switch to less processed options for my lunch and dinner proteins.