


  • stacymariegurl
    That is so hard. Especially since we generally feel like our family members should take our side to help us out. I would paste a "before" picture of yourself near the fridge or wherever she keeps the unhealthy food that way you will be reminded of how far you have come. Or even a picture of an outfit you cannot wait to wear.
  • fabi8081
    fabi8081 Posts: 232 Member
    That's true. I really want her to get healthy though. I keep thinking about her weight just as much as my own. :(

    You won't be able to do it for her. She has made it obvious she has no interest. I have expierenced this with my mother in law. She is well over 300lbs. I tried to help her but she is just not interested. She keeps making excuses my knees, I can't walk that far. blah blah blah... You can't help her till she wants it. Maybe with your weight loss it may motivate her too... Rootin for you.
  • vmrink
    vmrink Posts: 42
    I too have a saboteur in my household. My husband. He has only liked plus-sized women. He doesn't taunt me by bringing in bad food or anything like that. His is verbal. As the weight is coming off, I get little comments like, "are you're getting skinny for your new husband", or I get greeted with "hey skinny". At 277, I'm far from skinny. I've lost weight before only to gain it right back. I guess I could be happy that he loves me the way I am, the problem is I don't love me this way. I tell him he will love me more when I'm smaller because I'll be happier. He says he will always love me, but can't garauntee he'll be attracted to me. Ouch!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I have tried for 11 years to "make" my husband eat healthy. In the end, it is their choice. The best you can do is set a positive example, and maybe she will follow.
    Do what is best for YOU. You are the only person you have control over.
    Good luck. You CAN do this!!

    Best thing I've read on this thread and it's so true.
    But speaking of sabotage, my grandma was over the other day and wanted me to run out and get something for dessert. I love dessert. My mom told her "oh, no, that's okay, we don't need dessert" and she kept insisting we did, so I ended up getting something. Later, my mom said, "she would have loved if you'd eaten the whole cake and ice cream" and I kind of realized she was right. People don't always want you to succeed.
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    Try journaling your thoughts. Figure out why she might be making those choices. Rrealize this is a character flaw she has and not one you want to have control or power in "your" life. Keep the reasons for your goals on hand. Maybe print them out and keep them in your pocket.
  • ai965
    ai965 Posts: 118
    I know how you feel. My friends actually try to sabotage me sometimes. No matter how many times I say no, they will try to stuff food down my throat and call me "anorexic" if I don't feel like eating it. My advice is to just become your own person, and if you have to, just walk away from the pressure, away from the food and stress.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Only you can control what goes in your mouth.