New to MFP

KatieHoke Posts: 2 Member
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Gang,
Just wanted to do a quick intro. I am 48 years old and always struggled with weight. 7 years ago I lost 55 lbs. Started distance running and have completed two half marathons and a full marathon. I felt slim, strong and healthy. About 2 years ago I started struggling with my weight again - between my oldest graduating high school and a new job I found it hard to maintain balance. I have put back on 20 of the 55 I lost. Last weekend we are at a party and that night everyone posted pictures on facebook as they all started showing up on my page I wanted to cry. So I got re-motivated and joined MFP and have also ramped my running back up. I lost a quick 7 lbs which was great but I know that was just excess bloat and water weight. But I am feeling much better and stronger and feel pretty confident I can re-engage with a healthier me.

I really like how MFP, helps you to see what portions make sense and how to balance your calories through the day.

From what i have seen the community seems strong and supportive.

I look forward to chatting.


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome and Good luck.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
  • kimpavlik
    kimpavlik Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there KatieHoke...I am also new to MFP! A friend told me about this site and it sounded interesting to me. We have a lot in common, so let's keep in touch! Good luck
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