Ripped in 30 starting July 4th

Hello fellow rippers or wanna be rippers-

I am going to start the Ripped in 30 today. My plan is to work out six days straight and take Sundays off. You could also workout five days and take the weekends off :) I am taking my measurements which I didn't do for the shred. Join me!!

Left bicep- 11 3/4
Right bicep- 11 3/4
Shoulders- 40 1/2
Right inner thigh- 24
Left inner thigh- 23 1/3
Hips- 40
Upper waist- 34
Belly button waist- 36
Gut- 38

Weight- 152

I know my measurements are strange, but I want to get ones that will make sense to me.

GOOD LUCK! and hope to see some join me :)


  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Good luck with Ripped in 30! I finished it recently and had great results!!!! Keep pushing play!!!
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    I might just have to join you in this! I did one of my last days of Lvl 3 30 Day shred today and I think I am ready to start Ripped in 30 again. I couldnt get into last time--just found that I liked 30DS more. Maybe this is the group I need! I'll jump into Ripped in 30 with you tomorrow!
  • animamelodic
    I started Ripped in 30 today, too! I wanted to do 30DS first, but I found Ripped in 30 on the internet and I decided I would buy 30DS as a reward for myself when I finish Ripped in 30!

    I just took my measurements a few days ago, so I'm going to use those numbers to start! Looking forward to seeing results!
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    Awesome!! I did the first day today. I finished the 30 DS and I feel like Jillian is more in your face during ripped. I liked it though!! So glad to see more rippin it!
  • stargazgal
    stargazgal Posts: 93 Member
    i just ordered my ripped in 30 from Amazon today so as soon as it arrives i am going to start this! :) I will post my stats too...:)
  • HarmonyNLife
    HarmonyNLife Posts: 47 Member
    I started ripped in 30 on July 1st. I was not feeling well yesterday, so I will have to count that as my rest day. My goal is to do this workout 6 days/week. I have not taken measurements. I will do that and post them a little later. It will be great traveling on this journey with others.
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    i believe i am starting tomorrow :)
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Yep yep yep!!!
  • Neteenek
    Neteenek Posts: 9
    I'll join in with ya. I tried it the beginning of June and just couldnt stick with it cause I was lazy. Maybe have
    in other people doin it will help me stick to it! Here we go!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    I'm in!!! Still working on the last few days of the shred but am planning on starting Ripped in 30 tomorrow! Let's get it done :)
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    I'm SOOO pumped to see all you ladies!!! Remember, she says to take 1-2 rest days. So, you can always adjust them to what you want/need. Oh, I forgot to put it earlier, but my body fat percentage is 34.9. I really just needed that for me :)
  • BeautyAndStrength50
    BeautyAndStrength50 Posts: 273 Member
    I did the 30 day shred first lost 15 pounds and then did the Ripped in 30 and lost 15 more and ALOT of results.. That workout is her best so far. You will see change everywhere.. TAKE PICS BEFORE AND AFTER you will be amazed in how much your body changes. Now I finished the 6 week 6 pk abs and I didnt see to much results because I got it all from the Ripped n 30. Keep going and you will see its not easy but you can do it. :)
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    Finished Day 2 Level 1 Much easier today. How did you all do today?
  • Neteenek
    Neteenek Posts: 9
    Day 1 complete! Shew it killed my arms today! But it felt pretty good! We'll see how sore I am tomorrow!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Just finished Day 1! I am liking Ripped in 30 a lot more than 30DS. I really like that there are 3 strength moves in every circuit instead of 2 and I find Jillian to be more enjoyable (although she never really bothered me much before, I just find she is a bit more likeable in this dvd haha). Hopefully I can get it up and get through the 30 days without taking more than 1-2 days off a week!
  • ridgellmomof3
    ridgellmomof3 Posts: 83 Member
    Today was my first I decided to do this instead of shred, I really like knowing others are doing this with me it is going to make me accountable those that are ahead how sore were you the second day? I didn't think the first day was all that terrible but I was sweating!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    My daughter got home from TN and did it with me today. She burned way more calories than she did with 30DS! I burned about the same as 30DS, but I'm already feeling it in my chest, shoulders, and glutes. I have a feeling I will be major sore tomorrow.
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    Great job jarettd, ridgellmomof3, justbreathe, and neteenek!!!!!!

    I too am liking the three strength moves MUCH better than shred. I'm burning around 50 calories more than when I was shredding each time. I'm hoping the difference will really add up!

    Keep it going for today!
  • stargazgal
    stargazgal Posts: 93 Member
    Hi again!
    My amazon order arrived yesterday so I started level 1/day 1 today. I havent taken my measurements yet but I will get to it soon. My plan is to incorporate this into my current program at my gym as i have already paid for 6 weeks of TRX training. So my plan is:
    Monday (morning) ripped in 30 (evening) . trx straps (1 hr bootcamp)
    Tuesday bootcamp at my gym (1 hr)
    Wed Ripped in 30
    Thur: Ripped in 30
    Friday Bootcamp at my gym (1 hr)
    Saturday TRX straps bootcamp (1 hr)
    Sunday : rest or yoga
    Think this will work out! :)
    Will post my before measurments soon.

    I actually was surprised at lvel 1. I was gonna just skip to level 3 and do this for 2 weeks and then level 4 for 2 weeks. But, it did get my hr up and I was quite sweaty! :) sooo crossing my fingers...been working out sooo hard and I have been seeing slight results so hope this new change will fire my metabolism.

    Good luck all!
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    Day 3 Level 1 done!!