What's the WORST thing about being fat?



  • bobisagirl
    bobisagirl Posts: 12 Member
    premature death - i've heard that's a *****

    I friking lol'd. Good point. When I went for my induction at the gym, I was calculated to be at a higher risk of a heart attack than the 45+ year old lady who was also being inducted (I'm 20). Smoker, drinker, fatty. The holy trinity of DEATH. Yeah that was embarrassing.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    premature death - i've heard that's a *****

    *lmho* Thanks for the pep talk! :wink:

  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I have a few.....

    thighs rubbing together.. OMG it makes me so uncomfortable.

    That terrible back/bra fat that I can hide in certain shirts, but when it comes to a bathing suit, it makes it worse.

    Or, having a really good day, think I'm looking amazing despite being a little chunky, and then someone snaps a picture, and you see it later on and realize you didn't look nearly as good as you thought..... that takes a big toll on ones self esteem.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Looking like all the fat people around me and being one of them. It's nice being in the minority once again. I love thinking to myself, I'm not one of them anymore.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Looking like all the fat people around me and being one of them. It's nice being in the minority once again. I love thinking to myself, I'm not one of them anymore.

    I totally get that. I'm looking forward to NOT being in the fat club anymore.

  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    What a horrible story. You didn't deserve any of that. :angry:

    The worst thing about being fat, for me, is looking at myself in the mirror and knowing that this is what everyone else sees when they look at me. :frown:

    I went to the doctor earlier this year and was diagnosed with pneumonia, in my follow up, high cholesterol, and I got hit with family history issues. I learned I may have a gene that would increase my risk of cancer to... well, screwed. So, I have to second the whole I hear dying sucks. (Good news, I was tested and am in the clear, but still have a higher risk because of genetic history...)

    As for chaffing, I haven't worn shorts in 12 years. When my pants are done and in need of replacing it's because the fabric in the inner thighs has disintegrated from rubbing.

    TMI, I'm sure, but the boys never hurt my feelings as much as the girls. I expected the boys to reject me. I was either not good enough or somehow too good. Wtf. I fell for a friend who was and still is morbidly obese. He told me I was out of his league. I was crushed. I'm not over it. lol As for the girls, add the double whammy of a taboo attraction to being a chunkette. Horror. Not only was I a fatty, but I was a weirdo fatty creep. *sigh*

    And as someone else said earlier, there is some satisfaction with seeing some of these folks on facebook now. So many are happily married to their high school sweetheart with beautiful children. It makes me feel like a rockstar with my self-indulgent childless lifestyle. :laugh:
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    The way I feel about myself when I'm overweight is beyond horrible.. I have struggled with a terrible self image all my life. When I gain weight, it is hard for me to even leave the house. I don't care what I wear or how I look in general when I'm overweight. My attitude in general is sullen and withdrawn.

    Even though I've lost some weight, I still refuse to go to the pool because I'm so disgusted with how I think I look.

    I just want to be thin again so I can give myself a break. I'm so tired of hating the way I look. And I feel self conscience when I run, so when I think out a bit more, I will begin running again. Isn't that weird? Anyhow, some of my horrible self image came from my mom, who always called me fat, even though at most, I was plump. The rest comes from being involved with a personal trainer for five years - and all of the self absorbed people in that industry. (hopefully I didn't offend anybody by saying that, but there are a lot of superficial people in the fitness, body building industry. I always just to fit in. So it warped my perception of myself. One would think at 44, I would finally be okay with myself. Maybe one day!!
  • andrea464
    andrea464 Posts: 238 Member
    Being the fat mom. I had one of my daughters friends from class ask me why I was so fat (she was 4- no filter at that age). I told her it was because I ate too much candy and didn't eat my vegetables like my Mom told me. LOL
    Being the fat mom. I want to run and play with my daughter.
    Back fat/back boobs- I want to wear cute bras without extra folds.
    Thigh rubbing- Yech.
    Work- I work in the heart cath lab. We see people in for shortness of breath and we're checking them out for lung problems. We see very large people in there- nothing is wrong with their lungs, they're just too big to breath laying down. I see people coming in having heart attacks- I'm supposed to help counsel them on healthy lifestyles. What does that mean coming from a morbidly obese chick? Not a darn thing! I have to run around during emergencies. I want to be able to run without getting short of breath.
    ETA- My husband- I want to be hot for my husband. He thinks I look good as it is, but I want him to drool over me!