Pepper Squash Fries!

I love pepper squash ( AKA Acorn Squash) and I wanted to share one of my favorite recipes with everyone to enjoy.


1 or 2 squash
1/4 cup olive oil ( or however much oil you need to coat the squash so that it doesn't stick to your baking sheet)
salt and pepper to taste
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper

Pre-heat your oven to 375F ( 190C)
Normally, I cut the top off my squash and then cut it in half, scoop out the seeds and cut the rest of the squash into strips like you would with French Fries.

Dump your squash in a mixing bowl and add the oil salt and peppers to it ( you can also add oregano, basil, thyme and summer savory if you want) Mix 'em all up with your hands to the seasoning and oil coats the sqush.

Place your squash on a baking sheet and slide into the oven. Bake on one side for 30 min, flip and bake on the other side for 20 min ( Let's face it, you want your squash fries to be crispy on both sides)

once they come out of the oven, let them cool for 5 min and then serve. I love this way to prepare squash, you don't even need to take the skin off as it does provide a lot of yummy nutrients for you and won't be tough at all.

I hope you all enjoy this recipe!


  • Atthea
    Atthea Posts: 53
    Yummy !!
    Thanks !!!!!!
  • shiransom
    shiransom Posts: 83 Member
    Sounds great!!
  • clops379
    clops379 Posts: 14
    I do a really similar recipe with butternut squash, great for a chip (fries) lover! Yummers!
  • queenpixie
    queenpixie Posts: 16
    If there are any issues with the Recipe, please let me know and I will do what I can to help fix it.
  • sarahlynn_86_04
    Always looking for new ways to cook squash. Thanks.