Water intake

I always knew that I do not drink enough water, but now that I started to measure it, I started to view it as a real problem... I rarely take more than 4-5 glasses of water per day +1-2 coffee/milk/yogurt ones (which, I guess, do not count). When I tried to force myself to 6-7 glasses of water per day I almost threw up and really felt awful... Any advice?


  • BellaLacie
    BellaLacie Posts: 12
    I try to consistently sip water throughout the day. I also chug a lot after every meal to help wash my food down.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I drink a lot of water after exercising.
  • mikonei
    mikonei Posts: 291 Member
    I have the same problem. I only make it to 8 glasses when I'm taking a long walk and it's reeaally hot out.
  • kristiedavis1
    The best advice I ever got and now always give is.....just keep drinking it until it becomes a habit for you. I hated water. Now it is honestly all I drink other than black coffee and the occasional margarita. My body craves it. I started buying bottled water and suddenly it's all my family drinks too. Figure out if you prefer cold or tap, bottled or glass, on ice or not and start drinking it more every day. Drink it with all your meals. I promise it does eventually go down much easier and before you know it, it's all that will quench your thirst. Good luck.
  • gingerbikki
    gingerbikki Posts: 3 Member
    try starting the day with a big glass of water before you leave the house. that's one glass out of the way! the best way is to pace yourself and not to realise towards the end of the day that yyou still have loads left to drink or else youll force it down and feel bleugh.

    ive been taking a 2 litre bottle of water with me to work and keeping it on my desk so i can keep a track of how much i drink. then i can see whats left and pace myself throughout the day.

    so far it's working really well! :)

    i could easily manage 8 glasses of wine...why oh why cant wine be good for me...sigh
  • kcxdrms678
    Don't glug it just to "get it overwith" so you can drink soda or something, which is what alot of people do! Not to mention it'll just give you cramps and an upset stomach. But try to take sips consistantly and go to a sporting goods store and grab and insulated water bottle so the water stays cold all day so each time you take a sip, it's nice and refreshing! :)
  • Hopeinanguish
    Hopeinanguish Posts: 101 Member
    Hitting water goals can be difficult at first, but it's SO important to make sure you're getting plenty of water so that your liver can function properly and kick out all the unwanted fat/toxins!

    I found it difficult at first as well, so what I did was bought a water bottle that was at least 24 ounces, so I wasn't filling up all the time. And then I would establish a goal for myself to drink one 8 ounce glass-worth (or a third of my container) every hour. It doesn't feel as daunting when you divide up a BIG goal into lots of little goals. That way you can take drinks throughout the hour, and if you're getting close to the end of the hour and you've still got a decent amount left, just chug and all of a sudden you're in line with your goal for the next hour!

    I hope this helps! Best of luck to you in your goals. And by the way, I recommend a minimum of 8-8 ounce bottles of water a day. And for people who are experiencing seriously hot temps right now or who work out OR are over 25 pounds overweight, it's a good idea to add at least another 2. You can do it!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I used to be like you. After a few months, it becomes a habit and it's easier to get your water in. I had to use flavor packets and brew teas to make it work at first. Now I can generally just drink plain water. I still like to have some green tea each day, though. It will get easier. :drinker:
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I always knew that I do not drink enough water, but now that I started to measure it, I started to view it as a real problem... I rarely take more than 4-5 glasses of water per day +1-2 coffee/milk/yogurt ones (which, I guess, do not count). When I tried to force myself to 6-7 glasses of water per day I almost threw up and really felt awful... Any advice?

    Do the best you can, I have the same problem but I don't worry much about it.

    I drink 1 1/2 glass with every meal, some times more, and the rest during the day but very seldom I get to 8 glasses a day. I am addding Crystal Light to a 16 oz water bottle and that seems to help me getting more water intake.
    Good luck!
  • svetlana_vs
    Actually, I hate soda and coke and other stuff, so still water IS my major soft drink... so it is not a matter of switching from something else, it is just about increasing the intake...

    Even when I have water on the desk in the office, I have to force myself drink it.

    BTW, I read a lot that drinking water during or after meals is not healthy.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    I don't know why, but after my daughter and I bought Camelbak water bottles (and we had plenty of different ones around the house), we BOTH began to drink a LOT more water. Don't really know why, but I can easily drink 3-4 of them daily, sometimes more. I bought the .75 liter (24 oz) size.
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    I also only drink water, orange or apple juice. Not a pop drinking. I have a starbucks 24oz cup with a straw so I drink down one of those and I am almost to my goal. It still surprises me when I say to myself "Wait, I just finished 6 cups of water!" Try to set goals, drink a certain amount for half a week then up it a little more. Another side effect from drinking more water for a while is going to the bathroom a ton, but that will subside as well with time!
  • stephseverz
    This is probably a silly question but would you say drinking more water would make you less hungry? I usually drink stupid amounts of coke and about 5 cups of tea a day (which is bad) and I still suffer from dehydration. Dring the recommended daily amount of water would solve the dehydration but I'm unsure about the hunger side.

    Thanks :)
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    I know it has curved some of my cravings for things.
  • melindalamb
    I seem to drink more water with a straw or a lid covering the cup.
  • blackchick41bb
    The best advice I ever got and now always give is.....just keep drinking it until it becomes a habit for you. I hated water. Now it is honestly all I drink other than black coffee and the occasional margarita. My body craves it. I started buying bottled water and suddenly it's all my family drinks too. Figure out if you prefer cold or tap, bottled or glass, on ice or not and start drinking it more every day. Drink it with all your meals. I promise it does eventually go down much easier and before you know it, it's all that will quench your thirst. Good luck.
    same here.use to hate it,but now i crave it.i drink atleast 150 ozs a day and it has done some great changes to my body.my hair is growing,my nails are growing,clears up the skin and i dont have bad period cramps anymore.never knew WATER was so powerful.so grab a glass,mug whatever and drink
  • poseyj88
    poseyj88 Posts: 140 Member
    I have a water bottle with a straw and I literally take it with me everywhere. It's about 24 ounces. When it's there it's so easy to just sip on all day instead of having to chug.

    I also drink a beyond ridiculous amount of water per day (I don't log it, but trust me, I consume it).
  • HealthyJoJo
    Your body is probably just so accustomed to receiving a pitiful volume of water that it has trouble taking in the amount you should be drinking. Try increasing your water intake slowly over the course of a week. Sip water throughout the day - be sure to have a filled water bottle on you at ALL times. Avoid dehydrating beverages as much as possible. In time I'm sure you can train your body to deal with much more water than that.

    I got into the habit of drinking water constantly years ago, and found it has made a HUGE difference in the ease of controlling my weight over a longer period of time. I am much better balanced now - and I was younger then. I would estimate that I drink between 2-4 litres of water a day (more if I workout heavily). It took time to get used to it but I really notice the difference now if I have a day or two of not drinking enough.
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    I have a water bottle with a straw and I literally take it with me everywhere. It's about 24 ounces. When it's there it's so easy to just sip on all day instead of having to chug.

    I also drink a beyond ridiculous amount of water per day (I don't log it, but trust me, I consume it).

    That's how I am to get it down so well. Just let a customer talk to me on the phone as I am sipping some water. I use to only like water when it was in a water bottle, for some reason I had a hard time drinking water from just a plain glass. Now I just use a straw whenever, it really has made a different for me.
  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member
    I drink water before every meal, usually while preparing the meals. I can easily drink 12 + glasses of water becauseit is so GD hot here! The key for me is to drink it all day long. Also, if I feel a craving, I drink water first, wait 15 minutes and the desire for the not so good food dies down.

    Don't force yourself to drink it all at once, just keep drinking it. Also, 8 glasses is not the right number for everyone:

    "A person who is 185 pounds
    and is exercising for 60 minutes ,
    is not pregnant,
    is not breastfeeding,
    does not live at a high altitude,
    does not live in a dry climate,
    drinks 1 alcoholic drink(s),
    when the weather is very hot or very cold,
    and is not sick with fever or diarrhea should have:

    122.5 ounces of water today, or 3.7 liters.

    If you eat a healthy diet, about 20 percent of your water may come from the foods you eat. If you eat a healthy diet you can drink 98 ounces of water today, or 2.9 liters.

    Water is an obvious source for your daily fluid needs. Other good beverages include milk, herbal teas, low-sodium broth, 100% fruit and vegetable juices. Soft drinks will also count toward your daily total of fluid, just remember that sugar sweetened soft drinks and fruit juices add extra calories to you daily diet that you don't need, while drinking water may help you lose weight."

    From the calculator on this website: http://nutrition.about.com/library/blwatercalculator.htm