1life2live_cjg Posts: 75
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
What do you do to get and stay motivated?? I would love to know! :D


  • oh god! i need the same help... paul mckennas tricks are really good though xx
  • improna
    improna Posts: 14
    I think of my goal.
    Like for me ill be smaller..I can wear more fashionalized clothing..Im gonna be healthier..And hopefully live longer!
    I would love to help you out. An help coach you and things.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Visualize your ultimate goal every day and have smaller goals along the way that are easy to achieve. A constant stream of successes keeps me going! :flowerforyou:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I watch all my parts jiggle and it makes me want to keep working out! lol
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    I keep saying to myself that I am done being over weight, and I have to stay on track for my body to follow.
  • ai965
    ai965 Posts: 118
    My motivation is all of my wonderful friends on MFP, and my July Perfection Challenge group!
  • gingerbikki
    gingerbikki Posts: 3 Member
    i look in the mirror and i take a good long look at my body. i think about all the bad food ive put in my gob over the last few years and promise myself every day that im going to be kinder to myself.

    without wanting to sound like a hippy, you only live once and you've got to do whatever it takes to feel good and get the most out of your life. i think about all the times ive ducked out of social occassions because i felt like a massive lump of lard, or uncomfortable in my own skin, or sweaty and overweight and it makes me sad to think that im wasting my life in that way.

    in my spare time im a life model for art classes so i'd like to be fitter for that. life modelling has taught me to really love my body and realise how beautiful it is through the eyes of others when they draw me. youve got to love yourself and your body whatever shape its in, but part of loving yourself is taking good care of yourself too so your body will be happy and healthy and keep on going for as long as possible so you can snap up as many opportunities that life throws at you without ever missing out because of your weight...

    sorry thats a bit waffly but hopefully you get the jist haha!
  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    My trainer wants to fight me in a hard sparring session in December............. thats enough to keep me motivated and committed to my training and diet plan!
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