Dukan Diet

I've been hearing a lot of buzz about the Dukan Diet recently. I'm wondering how the MFP community has done with the phases and food options.


  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I tried it about 2 weeks ago and lost about 6 pounds during the attack phase. Then I moved to the next phase and was able to maintain the lost. This weekend I totally went off the diet. I found the diet limiting and was very hungry in the beginning. The key is to have the proteins ready to eat so you can grab a quick snack. I will the hunger disappeared after the first couple of days. One problem I had was missing the veggies and fresh fruits. That was my main downfall. Hope this helps.
  • lauriemeridith83
    lauriemeridith83 Posts: 46 Member
    My husband and I have been on the Dukan Diet for a little over 17 day. I'm in the beginning of my 2nd week in the 2nd phase, and I've lost 23 pounds. The key is to not cheat. It seems a large majority of people who actually follow specific diets are constantly trying to find ways to get around the system in the diet. That doesn't work! Just follow the diet word for word, and you get results. I haven't been hungry since the 2nd day we started the diet. Drink lots of water. Eat your required amount of oat bran. Find out about it on the diet site (dukandiet.com). READ the book before started. The whole thing. And check out the facebook page for the diet (search Dukan Diet - US). You can also read a little about it on my blog (http://thinnerserved.blogspot.com).

    Hope this helps! :)
  • cjgriess
    cjgriess Posts: 7
    Congratulations on your weight loss!! Thanks for the advice...I'm looking forward to starting the end of the week. Now I'm even more motivated!
  • cjgriess
    cjgriess Posts: 7
    LOL...we'll I'm not a huge fan of fruits or vegetables so this might be perfect for me!! :)
  • lauriemeridith83
    lauriemeridith83 Posts: 46 Member
    Just make sure you read the whole book before you start. There's a lot of information in there.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have seen a lot about this and am interested, but is it possible as a vegetarian?
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    Apparently it is possible as a veggie, but it must be harder with fewer choices.

    I'm on something like Day 26 (maybe longer) and I'm loving it. As a carb-addict, it's breaking the carb cravings for me. Protein keeps you fuller longer so you eat fewer calories. I don't lose weight easily, and I am losing weight easily.

    I do miss fruit but that was one of my problems, I'd just eat and eat it as it's good for you and free on Weightwatchers. Pah! And it never filled me up. I/friends would comment I have no 'full up' switch - I do on Dukan - you can only eat so much protein/dairy and it's not like you crave it.

    I can't rate it highliy enough!
  • lauriemeridith83
    lauriemeridith83 Posts: 46 Member
    I couldn't have said it better! This diet makes you eat to live instead of living to eat! You just go to the kitchen and fix up your chicken breast, or fish, or lean ground beef when you are actually hungry. Not because you feel like snacking while you watch a movie. I rarely get the munchies anymore! And it's not just me. It's working on my husband the same way.

    There is a section in the book that talks about doing the diet as a vegetarian.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    when would people say the best day is to weught yourself for the first time? dr dukan recommends every day but I don't wanna hop on the scales tomorrow and see no result..
  • apmemo
    apmemo Posts: 43
    when would people say the best day is to weught yourself for the first time? dr dukan recommends every day but I don't wanna hop on the scales tomorrow and see no result..

    I weighed myself before I started, then the morning after my attack phase ended, and now every Monday and Thursday since then. Make sure to do it at the same time - I usually weigh 2-3 pounds more in the middle of the day than I do in the morning.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    thanks (: how long did you do the attack phase for? and how much did you lose if you don't mind me asking? ^^
  • khinkle44
    khinkle44 Posts: 14
    You can go to the dukan diet official website and calculate your true weight.... It will then tell you how long you should do each phase for.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    It says I should do it for 6 days but I'm gonna do the full ten because 1/I don't even like vegetables and 2/I will definately be having two cheat days (one on my birthday party on saturday and one on my actual brithday on monday with a family meal) so I wanna do a bit extra to make up for it :L I do trust dr Dukans method but he says part of the reason for shorter attack phase is so you don't miss other food and fall off the wagon - I really don't miss veggies. Also I don't think they're allowed to reccomend a longer attack phase as you should be assessed by a doctor for this.
  • khinkle44
    khinkle44 Posts: 14
    The bad thing is that you don't get a cheat day until after you are out of the cruise phase.... So you might want to start after your birthday and family dinner.... Also, be careful because if you don't like veggies very much it will be a challenge for you because the cruise phase alternates between all protein days and protein + veggie days... It might be a little too hard on your body to not really eat veggies.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I know but I've already started ):
    But as I said, I'll do some extra days of attack to make up for it.
    I've lost 4lb since starting - I know it'll probably mainly be water weight but still!
    Also I know its really unhealthy not to eat veggies but like I hardly eat them anyway - my normal diet was about 80% carbs and protein, the only veg I got was through like pasta sauce and stuff xD
    I take vitamin supplements and I will try to eat as much veg as I can during cruise, but I doubt I'll be able to force myself to eat a lot of veg, so will accidentally end up having extra pure protein days during cruise xD
  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    Hey peeps

    I'm also doing the Dukan Diet...I'm on day 20 and I'm loving it. Sometimes it does feel a little restrictive, but it's generally when I feel lazy and don't want to cook!

    I am having great results

    How is everyone else travelling?
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I'm only on day 4 but have lost 6lb so far (: Mainly in water weight I'm guessing but still!
    Have you managed to continue to lose/keep the weight off?
    And have you cheated at all? cuz I know I'll be drinking tonight and having a chinese on Monday for my birthday, and I don't want to ruin all the hard work!
  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    I'm only on day 4 but have lost 6lb so far (: Mainly in water weight I'm guessing but still!
    Have you managed to continue to lose/keep the weight off?
    And have you cheated at all? cuz I know I'll be drinking tonight and having a chinese on Monday for my birthday, and I don't want to ruin all the hard work!

    I am continually loosing every week so far. Since I started I have lost 7.2kg (15.8lb).

    I have tried really hard not to cheat, but I still need to have a life so, just after I finished attack I had dinner with the girls on a PP day, so I just had a steak with prawns (no sides) I did have a glass of wine...Just one!
    Last weekend on a PV day we had Chinese, but again I tried to stick to the guidelines as much as I could. I ordered Braised Steak and Cashews, I didn't have the cashews as I'm sure there was enough oil in the meal already.

    My advise would be try and make smarter choices when you order, try and stay away from fried and carby dishes :wink:
  • carlatiger
    carlatiger Posts: 19
    I did 3 days on the attack phase and lost about 4lb, and then have been eating protein & veg for the last 3 days and now weigh about 5.5lb less than this time last week. I like it because exactly as people have already said, it is helping me to break my sugar/carb habit, and I don't feel hungry outside of mealtimes anymore! Which is a huge change for me. I am getting a little bit tired of the eggs and meat though, alternating protein only with protein & veg days is going to be hard cos I'm not going to look forward to the protein only days! Maybe I need to do some more experimenting with different seasonings etc...

    Out of interest, what are people eating for lunch on protein-only days? I take lunch to work, so it needs to be easily portable, and have been eating tins of tuna for lunch. Which is getting a bit boring! Any better ideas?
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Not to be negative or anything, but just wanted to share some important info. This eating plan does not include all the nutrients you need for good health.
    A multivitamin will not compensate for the nutritional goodness from fruits, whole grains and healthy fats that are inadequate in The Dukan Diet. When dieters start losing weight rapidly, they tend to continue the restrictive phases longer than advised -- which puts you at risk for nutrient deficiencies and kidney problems.
    Losing more than 1-2 pounds per week can promote gallstones and muscle loss. "It is unhealthy to lose weight so quickly because you not only lose fat and fluids but precious muscle mass, which is really hard to replace, especially as you get older."

    Some side effects, constipation, bad breath, dry mouth, and fatigue should be a red flag that this is not a healthy diet.
    Your body’s preferred fuel to energize and keep you going is smart carbs, and when you eat a healthy diet you should feel great -- not have negative side effects.

    There is no question this very restrictive diet will lead to weight loss, if you can actually follow it. But the elimination of healthy food groups, and the unpleasant side effects, makes the Dukan diet an unlikely choice for the long haul.

    Protein is an essential part of a healthy diet, but it cannot stand alone. A truly healthy diet includes all the food groups -- vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat dairy and healthy fats along with lean protein. Your body needs the nutrients these foods provide.
    Skip this fad diet. Instead, choose a calorie-controlled eating plan that you can stick with for the long term.
    I have know doubt that you can lose weight, much like the Atkins Diet, but it's really not a healthy way to do it.