tell the truth



  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    I work in whatever I want to eat. Say if I want pizza that day (no small task not being able to have gluten or dairy!) then I make sure I order my other meals accordingly or go on my bigger walk or whatever. Deprivation equals fail. This isn't a temporary or quick fix. The reason why people gain back the weight they lose is they don't form habits for life. That definition of a diet ends up being a temporary solution to a permanent problem. Whatever you do with your lifestyle change, make sure you can do it for life or you'll find yourself always slipping back.
  • LeahBeah12
    LeahBeah12 Posts: 31 Member
    I am usually pretty strict during the week and try to stay under my calories. During the weekend if we have a lot going on and I know I'm going to go over I don't bother tracking and just try to get some exercise in that day. Then on Monday I'm back to being strict again.

    I think you need to allow yourself days to eat what you want within reason. I work hard all week so if I want to eat out on the weekend or have a piece of cake I'm going to do it.
  • kiki75243
    kiki75243 Posts: 194 Member
    I pretty much eat what i want but eat it in moderation. I felt that if I completely give up something I'll have a craving for it and go over board soooo I just stay within my calorie range. If I eat something really bad I workout really hard but I try not to that to often.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i have a "treat" (i don't call it a cheat) every single weekend.

    i try to eat well and exercise every day of the week, and at the weekend, i have my dark chocolate bar, and home made pizza, or if it's a birthday, i'll have cake, if i go out, i allow myself a few drinks or whatever.

    so far, i've been going nearly 7 months, and have lost 16kg to date, only just in the last month have i hit a point where i'm plateauing a bit, and will need to start being a bit more disciplined to keep getting results.
  • BProudOfU
    BProudOfU Posts: 83 Member
    I eat what I want. I know myself and know that if I am deprived of something that I want, I will eventually give up all together. Today, for example, I had ice cream. Now I know that is a lot of empty calories, but it's my choice to eat it or not. If I eat it, I have to log it...likewise, if I choose not to eat it I have saved calories for something else. The end result is I stay within my calories and don't deprive myself of anything I want. I just don't eat a 1/2 gallon of ice cream...but guess I could if I really wanted to log all those calories LOL.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    I'm the same, I eat pretty much the same as always. Just smaller amounts. There are things I had to cut out completely because I am incapable of moderating it. I used to LOVE going to Olive Garden, but I could never have a meal I wanted for under 3500 calories. I didn't do all this work to blow it on that, no matter how much I love it.

    So, there are times I just CAN'T control what I eat, family stuff. And I don't sweat it. But I'm on the horse the next day.

    So, when thinking of rewards for yourself...did you really just lose weight to eat it back as a "reward?" I just don't see that system working.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I don't cheat. Somedays I make healthy choices all day, sometimes I eat stuff that I know isn't good for me.
    That isn't cheating to me, it's life. I just make sure that what goes in my mouth is made up of majority healthy choices.
    Seems to be working so far (5 1/2 months and 40 pounds down).
  • Cdcaldwe
    Cdcaldwe Posts: 189 Member
    For me it would end up being the snowball effect. One thing would lead to another and i would be back to where i was in a month. I have moved all of my unhealthy habits towards healthy ones. My biggest was eating crap all the time. I have become very aware of everything i consume. I was in a vehicle this morning with someone eating a sausage mcmuffin from mcdonalds. I felt ill from the smell of it. I eat subway occasionaly especially if i am traveling. But i know if i cheat at Taco Bell once a week it will become twice a week and so on. If you can cheat once a week good for you. I can't, I have to stay the course because i can finally see what is ahead.

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