Hidden Calories! :(



  • kristen11joy
    kristen11joy Posts: 114 Member
    I just logged my usual lunch: peanut butter and crackers, and a handful of raisins -- over 700 calories (even with the "light" peanut butter) I knew peanut butter was high in calories, but I was surprised by how it all added up. Time for a new "default lunch"
  • mrudzinski
    mrudzinski Posts: 17 Member
    I normally do count my calories before I eat them, but I was at a BBQ today and decided to write everything down really fast and log when I got home.

    The potato salad was from the deli of a local grocery store.

    And that's absolutely a good tip about the "white" sauces!

    It just stinks because without the evil potato salad I would have been under my calories for today.

    But I guess I just have to look at the bright side: I survived the fourth of july UNDER my BMR at least and I've learned my lesson :)

    PS: Some of those restaurant salads have tricked me too! Thankfully we have MFP to help us out or I would have never lost weight.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    what i dont get is that the serving size changes

    ie, you buy a can of coke, it is 375ml and it is 1 serve

    you buy a 600ml bottle of coke and it is 1 serve

    you buy a 1.25ltr botle of coke and it is 5 serves of 250ml each

  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    I think everyone has an "incident" at some point that teaches them the hard way - live and learn.

    Mine was a pasta salad - 260 cal - hey that's not bad - *eats it* - log Dang! 2 serves per package :(

    So moral now - if I'm comparing two foods - check 100g stats against each other
    If I'm wanting to eat - check the serve stats and double check serves per pack.
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    One time, when we went out to eat somewhere the in-laws picked and I didn't have much say...

    The Olive Garden unlimited salad - it's like 95% iceberg lettuce, so I figured I could eat that and fill up on something light, rather than pasta or breadsticks, right? WRONG!!! 1 bowl of that was 1400 (!!!!!!!) calories! I would have been better off with the breadsticks! Must have been the dressing (there aren't even many croutons!)...sigh. Never again.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Yeah, wow, that makes sense... potato salad is all potatoes, plus relish (usually sweet so the sugar is lots of calories), plus LOTS of mayonnaise (lots of calories in a fattening dressing) and probably eggs and other things.
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