Ok... This is the part where I usually quit :(



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Pick a non-scale fitness goal. Like Couch to 5k, or 30 Day Shred, or making a point to run, walk, hike, or bike xx amount of miles each month or each week. Challenge yourself.... then forget about weight loss for a while. If you're eating well and getting exercise, you're on the right track, no matter what's going on with the scale.


    This fire-jumpin' woman knows what she's talking about. AND she looks amazing while she JUMPS THROUGH FIRE. How can you not heed this advice?

    :laugh: :blushing: Thank you. That made my day! :happy:
  • got2go2concerts
    got2go2concerts Posts: 132 Member
    Hey Girl, I know what you mean... I have been off track for a couple of weeks now! Hang in there. I agree you have done great and you know how to do this! We just got to get our minds back on track and not loose site of the prize.... A better life!