Burst training results?

I was making good progress doing an hour or 2 of cardio a day and of course watching my caloric intake and was recently told about burst training. I only have 3 sessions in so far and it kicks my but WAY more than an hour ever has. I usually lift for just short of an hour and then do a minute or two on the bike very lightly before doing my first interval. They were one minute intervals with 3-4 minute complete breaks or the slowest pedaling imaginable but since I've been told to do my lifting before them only I have less energy so I just did as long as I could last time which was 40 seconds each time. I do 3 but plan to make it 4 if I can ever peel myself off the floor after the 3rd one.

I believe I'm dong it right and I don't take it easy on myself. When I leave the gym it feels like every ounce of energy is gone and I feel completely drained. I actually can't even begin to describe how wiped out I am and it generally lasts 30 minutes to an hour after. This is hopefully a sign that I'm doing it right since the focus is to use only sugar energy anyway. The last time my stomach was burning when I was going hard and it's been generally warm and tight feeling since (yesterday).

I was just wondering if anyone on here has had success with this? I can find a million things on why it works and the research but I have yet to come across a testimonial of someone that isn't presented by, or isn't, someone who stands to profit in one way or another. I have no problem putting in the effort required if it's going somewhere but honestly if it isn't reasonably better then standard cardio then I'll go back.