
I am 32 yr old male. Limited ability to do cardio. I am looking for the best all around vitamin regiment. Does anyone out there have any advise? Help please:cry:


  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    vitamin packs at your local store. :-) Good place to start though is a good multi-vitamin. Not really sure what your fitness goals are though.
  • becka65
    becka65 Posts: 3
    Just know that all vitamins are not created equal. Do Not get your vitamins at your local Target or Walmart. Go to a vitamin store and talk to someone there about what vitamins you should be taking. That's your best bet can't go wrong there.
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    What Becka said. Spend some money and get quality vitamins. Also, see if you can pick up any health drinks that already contain your vitamins and minerals for the day.