University and foood

andreacord Posts: 928
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
Hi all,

I'm starting college in the fall and am a healthy eater.. but I have one day where I have literally an hour , not even between one class to be able to make myself lunch/dinner and dash to the next class. Can anyone recommend any healthy, on the go options? Please =)


  • catecn
    catecn Posts: 84
    premake the night before! yogurt, carrots, jerky, apple, sandwich.
  • snickerpants
    snickerpants Posts: 44 Member
    Planning is essential.
    ALWAYS keep snacks like carrots and cheese (or sliced turkey) around. I make hummus and keep it in the fridge with carrots. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are high in calories but they will fill you up for a long time. Pair the PB&J with an apple, three carrots and maybe some yogurt and you have snacks/lunch for a long day on the go!
  • A_ng_13
    A_ng_13 Posts: 9
    As another college student who knows what you're talking about pack a lunch box or plastic bag with a sandwich, carrots and I put chips because I think that all healthy food is boring just make sure to measure everything out, especially the chips. Then grab it on your way to class. Foods that can stay for long periods of time are best. Also bring a water bottle because it will help to stay hydrated during class.
  • ewalker10
    ewalker10 Posts: 11
    PB&J is my favorite on the go lunch. Mmmm Mmmmm mmmmm. I do almond butter. I like to pair my sandwich with an apple. Super easy to eat in between classes.
    If you are a peanut butter lover, they have "on the go" Jiffy cups. Dip a banana in that, or celery, or crackers.
    Salami and crackers or sandwich.

    On the go dinner? To be honest, I personally skip dinner those days until I get home and just bring a little snack to hold me over. My favorite for night classes is stopping at the nearest Jamba Juice and getting a smoothie to give me some energy.
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    I'm a Uni student also.... gained soooo much weight last year (my freshman year). I don't live on campus because I'm an oldie LOL but I have to say that I spend most of my week on campus because of classes.
    I love all of the ideas everyone gave. I'm going to write it on the calendar so that when the time comes, I'll have the options written and waiting for me. No excuses!
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