Starting AGAIN!

Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, I am starting again. In 2003 I worked my butt off literally, and lost 100lbs in just over a year... I weighed 256 at my highest that I was brave enough to weigh, and non-pregnant, and went down to 147... (original motivation, was my heart wasn't working well when I was pregnant... and it was scary! )I maintained for a year, then had a breast reduction, and abdominoplasty.

Things were great! For a year.. then I started feeling down about myself due to some issues, and gained 5 lbs back... then 10... It was awful, but I kept thinking I was in control. I wasn't. I rebounded back to 170, where I stayed for at least a year, then I blew my ACL again... with no more working out, and not changing my eating I gained... and until now I haven't been really motivated, as I have been so scared to fail...

I need my ACL surgery again, however they will not do it till I lose weight, and unfortunately that hadn't motivated me enough, I stepped on the scale last week, and it read 227. I felt like crap. I knew i had to do this for my health. So here I am... I am down 4 lbs since that day... and moving in the right direction!


  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Hello, I am starting again. In 2003 I worked my butt off literally, and lost 100lbs in just over a year... I weighed 256 at my highest that I was brave enough to weigh, and non-pregnant, and went down to 147... (original motivation, was my heart wasn't working well when I was pregnant... and it was scary! )I maintained for a year, then had a breast reduction, and abdominoplasty.

    Things were great! For a year.. then I started feeling down about myself due to some issues, and gained 5 lbs back... then 10... It was awful, but I kept thinking I was in control. I wasn't. I rebounded back to 170, where I stayed for at least a year, then I blew my ACL again... with no more working out, and not changing my eating I gained... and until now I haven't been really motivated, as I have been so scared to fail...

    I need my ACL surgery again, however they will not do it till I lose weight, and unfortunately that hadn't motivated me enough, I stepped on the scale last week, and it read 227. I felt like crap. I knew i had to do this for my health. So here I am... I am down 4 lbs since that day... and moving in the right direction!
  • tanzmamma
    tanzmamma Posts: 368 Member
    You can do it!!!
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. Yesterday is gone. You have decided to make a change that is good for you, be proud of that, stop thinking that you are a failure because you gained back some weight . Corny saying for today, this is the first day of the rest of your life. Look ahead. You can do it because you want to.
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    Welcome, Nichole! :flowerforyou:
  • NB_Lady
    NB_Lady Posts: 107 Member
    Welcome Nicole- you did it once and you can definitely do it again!

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Hello, I am starting again. In 2003 I worked my butt off literally, and lost 100lbs in just over a year... I weighed 256 at my highest that I was brave enough to weigh, and non-pregnant, and went down to 147... (original motivation, was my heart wasn't working well when I was pregnant... and it was scary! )I maintained for a year, then had a breast reduction, and abdominoplasty.

    Things were great! For a year.. then I started feeling down about myself due to some issues, and gained 5 lbs back... then 10... It was awful, but I kept thinking I was in control. I wasn't. I rebounded back to 170, where I stayed for at least a year, then I blew my ACL again... with no more working out, and not changing my eating I gained... and until now I haven't been really motivated, as I have been so scared to fail...

    I need my ACL surgery again, however they will not do it till I lose weight, and unfortunately that hadn't motivated me enough, I stepped on the scale last week, and it read 227. I felt like crap. I knew i had to do this for my health. So here I am... I am down 4 lbs since that day... and moving in the right direction!

    Curious...what happens when a person gains a large amount of weight once they've had and abdominoplasty?
  • I wish I had a workout buddy like you!!! I'm up 60 pounds from last year. I gained 80 pounds during my pregnancy YIKES!!!! When I had my baby ( 5 months ago) as soon as I had him I lost 30 pounds.

    Anyone here from Enid, Oklahoma.. hahah I wish!!! :D I need a workout buddy!!! ;)
  • EvilPIB
    EvilPIB Posts: 334 Member
    I wish I had a workout buddy like you!!! I'm up 60 pounds from last year. I gained 80 pounds during my pregnancy YIKES!!!! When I had my baby ( 5 months ago) as soon as I had him I lost 30 pounds.

    Anyone here from Enid, Oklahoma.. hahah I wish!!! :D I need a workout buddy!!! ;)

    I'm not from Enid but I was at Tinker for 4 years, got out and move. Thinking about movnig back, love the slow paced life.
  • EvilPIB
    EvilPIB Posts: 334 Member
    Hello, I am starting again. In 2003 I worked my butt off literally, and lost 100lbs in just over a year... I weighed 256 at my highest that I was brave enough to weigh, and non-pregnant, and went down to 147... (original motivation, was my heart wasn't working well when I was pregnant... and it was scary! )I maintained for a year, then had a breast reduction, and abdominoplasty.

    Things were great! For a year.. then I started feeling down about myself due to some issues, and gained 5 lbs back... then 10... It was awful, but I kept thinking I was in control. I wasn't. I rebounded back to 170, where I stayed for at least a year, then I blew my ACL again... with no more working out, and not changing my eating I gained... and until now I haven't been really motivated, as I have been so scared to fail...

    I need my ACL surgery again, however they will not do it till I lose weight, and unfortunately that hadn't motivated me enough, I stepped on the scale last week, and it read 227. I felt like crap. I knew i had to do this for my health. So here I am... I am down 4 lbs since that day... and moving in the right direction!
    Welcome back and you completed that goal once I believe, without knowing you, that you can do it again. It's about changing your relationship with food.

    I have one question for you and you don't have to answer if you don't want to. Three kids and yo-yo weight gain have left me with a lovely HMMM what's the description for what I have. OH yes a second butt in the front that I can't hide with out appropriate spandex apparell :sad: :embarassed: How does your recent weight gain affect your ability to tighten your tummy once again after having a tummy tuck?
  • :smile: I love Enid!! Its just a family town.. everyone is so friendly!! I know where Tinker is I've been to the base a few times. Vance airforce base ( here in Enid) is really nice :D
  • GaoLee
    GaoLee Posts: 65
    Hello, I am starting again. In 2003 I worked my butt off literally, and lost 100lbs in just over a year... I weighed 256 at my highest that I was brave enough to weigh, and non-pregnant, and went down to 147... (original motivation, was my heart wasn't working well when I was pregnant... and it was scary! )I maintained for a year, then had a breast reduction, and abdominoplasty.

    Things were great! For a year.. then I started feeling down about myself due to some issues, and gained 5 lbs back... then 10... It was awful, but I kept thinking I was in control. I wasn't. I rebounded back to 170, where I stayed for at least a year, then I blew my ACL again... with no more working out, and not changing my eating I gained... and until now I haven't been really motivated, as I have been so scared to fail...

    I need my ACL surgery again, however they will not do it till I lose weight, and unfortunately that hadn't motivated me enough, I stepped on the scale last week, and it read 227. I felt like crap. I knew i had to do this for my health. So here I am... I am down 4 lbs since that day... and moving in the right direction!

    Gosh, my story is like your too... well almost.

    I was always a little overweight as a child. Got married young... had my first child at 19. I weigh 115 before I was pregnant. Attending college had my second child 13 months after my first. Gained 30 pound with my 1st. Gained another 30 with my second. Told myself I'm not having anymore children.. joined Weight Watcher lost almost all of the weight. Got pregnant with my third... gain 45 with her then never lost anything and got pregnant with my 4th and last. Got my tubes tide... and never lost the weght. Always stayed at 175-180. Lost some here gain some there. The lowest I got to was 145 than gained more. I'm so tire of this... so I'm here, move motivated than ever.

    Let's do this together.
  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    I only read your profile, too exhausted to read this thread, too. I see so much positivity in your profile and so much hope, that I'm confident you'll make it! You're so pretty, I'm jealous :wink: . Good luck! :flowerforyou:
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