Food and Exercise

I wanted to start eating right and get active until recently I was over 13 stone I tried the south beach diet and lost weight but felt sluggish all day - I thought that I cannot live by cutting out carbs permenantly I needed to get a decent routine for both food and exercise

I am 31 and 5ft 9 and currently my weight is 175lb (Id like to loose the fat on my belly and chest)
I have been eating about 1200 Calories on average and also doing a 2.5 mile run (using runkeeper) I have been burning about 400 calories a day

Typical Day
08:00 1 x sachet porrage oats with golden syrup and semi skimmed milk 216 calories
10:30 1 x Apple 80 calories
12:30 1 x Homemade Ham sandwich with cold-slaw (wholemeal bread) 310 calories
15:00 1 x Apple 80 calories
17:00 8oz skinless chicken breast 80 calories Tilda rice 1 pack 288 calories

I have been drinking plenty of water over 2 litres daily

10 minute mile for about 30 minutes - 25 min total time - 400 calories (according to runkeeper)

I have enjoyed the runs although hard to do - I have set up a programme 2 min run and 90 sec walk repeating until I have done the circuit

Can anyone offer any tips or Ideas or am I going wrong somewhere I don't want to do myself any damage - I understand you are not really supposed to run everyday but I do enjoy doing it now and am afraid at the moment if I stop I will demotivate myself.


  • vpochman1
    vpochman1 Posts: 23
    Are you doing any weight lifting or just running?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I wanted to start eating right and get active until recently I was over 13 stone I tried the south beach diet and lost weight but felt sluggish all day - I thought that I cannot live by cutting out carbs permenantly I needed to get a decent routine for both food and exercise

    I am 31 and 5ft 9 and currently my weight is 175lb (Id like to loose the fat on my belly and chest)
    I have been eating about 1200 Calories on average and also doing a 2.5 mile run (using runkeeper) I have been burning about 400 calories a day

    Typical Day
    08:00 1 x sachet porrage oats with golden syrup and semi skimmed milk 216 calories
    10:30 1 x Apple 80 calories
    12:30 1 x Homemade Ham sandwich with cold-slaw (wholemeal bread) 310 calories
    15:00 1 x Apple 80 calories
    17:00 8oz skinless chicken breast 80 calories Tilda rice 1 pack 288 calories

    I have been drinking plenty of water over 2 litres daily

    10 minute mile for about 30 minutes - 25 min total time - 400 calories (according to runkeeper)

    I have enjoyed the runs although hard to do - I have set up a programme 2 min run and 90 sec walk repeating until I have done the circuit

    Can anyone offer any tips or Ideas or am I going wrong somewhere I don't want to do myself any damage - I understand you are not really supposed to run everyday but I do enjoy doing it now and am afraid at the moment if I stop I will demotivate myself.

    For starters, this is not enough food only about 1000 calories. A man should not eat less than 1500 Net (1500 plus eat back what you burn from exercise) to lose weight in a healthy manner. Another thing I would point out is there is a serious lack of veggies in your plan, you should have 5-7 fruit and veggies/day, most of which should come from the veggie side of the equation.

    On top of the running I would also add strength training to the mix, as you may lose weight doing only running but some of what you lose will also be muscle. Try setting your goal to lose no more than 1 lb/week and incorporate strength training at least 2 times/week and make sure you eat back most or all of your exercise calories.
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    I wanted to start eating right and get active until recently I was over 13 stone I tried the south beach diet and lost weight but felt sluggish all day - I thought that I cannot live by cutting out carbs permenantly I needed to get a decent routine for both food and exercise

    I am 31 and 5ft 9 and currently my weight is 175lb (Id like to loose the fat on my belly and chest)
    I have been eating about 1200 Calories on average and also doing a 2.5 mile run (using runkeeper) I have been burning about 400 calories a day

    Typical Day
    08:00 1 x sachet porrage oats with golden syrup and semi skimmed milk 216 calories
    10:30 1 x Apple 80 calories
    12:30 1 x Homemade Ham sandwich with cold-slaw (wholemeal bread) 310 calories
    15:00 1 x Apple 80 calories
    17:00 8oz skinless chicken breast 80 calories Tilda rice 1 pack 288 calories

    I have been drinking plenty of water over 2 litres daily

    10 minute mile for about 30 minutes - 25 min total time - 400 calories (according to runkeeper)

    I have enjoyed the runs although hard to do - I have set up a programme 2 min run and 90 sec walk repeating until I have done the circuit

    Can anyone offer any tips or Ideas or am I going wrong somewhere I don't want to do myself any damage - I understand you are not really supposed to run everyday but I do enjoy doing it now and am afraid at the moment if I stop I will demotivate myself.

    For starters, this is not enough food only about 1000 calories. A man should not eat less than 1500 Net (1500 plus eat back what you burn from exercise) to lose weight in a healthy manner. Another thing I would point out is there is a serious lack of veggies in your plan, you should have 5-7 fruit and veggies/day, most of which should come from the veggie side of the equation.

    On top of the running I would also add strength training to the mix, as you may lose weight doing only running but some of what you lose will also be muscle. Try setting your goal to lose no more than 1 lb/week and incorporate strength training at least 2 times/week and make sure you eat back most or all of your exercise calories.

    Exactly this^!! ^^^^
  • mjohnsonuk
    I have some free weights and kettlebells I will start using them a bit, I also have a bike to so could prob mix up the running with a bit of cycling
    I will try up the food intake I just wanted to try not involve and crisps or chocolate bars so I will have to grab a load of fruit and veg to bulk up the food / calorie side

    "For starters, this is not enough food only about 1000 calories. A man should not eat less than 1500 Net (1500 plus eat back what you burn from exercise) to lose weight in a healthy manner."

    So if I run and burn off 400 calories and eat 1900 calories (1500+400) I should lose weight better than only eating 1000
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    "For starters, this is not enough food only about 1000 calories. A man should not eat less than 1500 Net (1500 plus eat back what you burn from exercise) to lose weight in a healthy manner."

    So if I run and burn off 400 calories and eat 1900 calories (1500+400) I should lose weight better than only eating 1000

    It may not be as fast of a loss, but you will lose a higher amount of fat, and less muscle during your weight loss journey, and you will be more likely to keep it off.

    If you have trouble reaching your calorie goals try the following:
    -Stop eating diet or lite versions of food
    -When option for Milk products (cheese, milk, yogurt,etc) opt for a higher MF% choice i.e. switch skim milk to 2%
    -Add nuts, seeds, dehydrated fruit and/or nut butters to you day instead of a low cal snack
    -Add olive oil to soups and sauces
    -Add avocado to salads and sandwiches
    -Have a glass of juice in place of a glass of water.
  • mjohnsonuk

    Do you think its OK to do exercise e.g running everyday I'm not pushing myself 100% my legs are coping well with the run only a bit of soreness nothing unusual