Truth time

I've been saying for almost 12 weeks that I'm on a plateau and that if I just keep doing all the right things, eventually the weight will start coming off again. I just stepped on the scale for the first time in a month and I've gained 3 pounds.

I've gone back over my diary and I've come to a serious conclusion. I've been lying to myself. I've increased the amount that I exercise but I've overcompensated by eating more calories than I should and eating more unhealthy food than I should. I'm not recording every bite that I eat and I'm sneaking in a lot of little things thinking "oh, 50 calories one way or another doesn't matter". I've been eating more sugar and processed foods. In my original committment sugar and treats like crackers were supposed to be an every now and then thing and I've been eating them every day. I've also been eating late at night when I'm not even really hungry, just cause MFP said I had the calories to eat. When I started this process I accepted that I was probably overestimating calories burnt and underestimating calories eaten but somehow, I've let that concept slip. I've also been experiencing portion creep. Slowly but surely letting a single serving go from 3 oz to 4 oz to 5 oz etc........

I've been allowing excuses to keep me off track. You know, "I've got to travel this week, I'll get back on track later" or "it's a holiday weekend, one little slip won't hurt me" or "Now that I've lost the majority of my weight, I don't need to try as hard".

Today is the day I re-commit to a healthy lifestyle. Yes, the weight is not as important as being healthly and liking how I look, but, realistically, the weight is an honest measurement of how I'm doing and I need to use it as a tool to track my progress and hold myself accountable. And, no matter how much it hurts, I have to be honest about what I'm eating and how hard I'm exercising.


  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I've been saying for almost 12 weeks that I'm on a plateau and that if I just keep doing all the right things, eventually the weight will start coming off again. I just stepped on the scale for the first time in a month and I've gained 3 pounds.

    I've gone back over my diary and I've come to a serious conclusion. I've been lying to myself. I've increased the amount that I exercise but I've overcompensated by eating more calories than I should and eating more unhealthy food than I should. I'm not recording every bite that I eat and I'm sneaking in a lot of little things thinking "oh, 50 calories one way or another doesn't matter". I've been eating more sugar and processed foods. In my original committment sugar and treats like crackers were supposed to be an every now and then thing and I've been eating them every day. I've also been eating late at night when I'm not even really hungry, just cause MFP said I had the calories to eat. When I started this process I accepted that I was probably overestimating calories burnt and underestimating calories eaten but somehow, I've let that concept slip. I've also been experiencing portion creep. Slowly but surely letting a single serving go from 3 oz to 4 oz to 5 oz etc........

    I've been allowing excuses to keep me off track. You know, "I've got to travel this week, I'll get back on track later" or "it's a holiday weekend, one little slip won't hurt me" or "Now that I've lost the majority of my weight, I don't need to try as hard".

    Today is the day I re-commit to a healthy lifestyle. Yes, the weight is not as important as being healthly and liking how I look, but, realistically, the weight is an honest measurement of how I'm doing and I need to use it as a tool to track my progress and hold myself accountable. And, no matter how much it hurts, I have to be honest about what I'm eating and how hard I'm exercising.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I did the same exact thing and i'm also back on track! You can definitely get to your goal in no time!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Tess, that's the hardest part I think we all have-- being HONEST with ourselves. I sat and whined ad nauseum that my weight gain was because I had no time to exercise, I had thyroid problems ( not doctor diagnosed, but self-diagnosed because SOMETHING had to explain my inability to lose weight.) blah, blah, blah-- nothing but excuses. It COULDN'T be me.

    Finally, I had to strip away the crap excuses I try to wrap myself in and face the truth-- I was eating way too much, and not making the time to exercise.

    Good for you-- seeing ourselves clearly on any issue is tricky--
  • lascolaj514
    lascolaj514 Posts: 53 Member
    You've come such a long way and that's really an accomplishment. Maybe you needed a break but now you're ready to hit it again. I'm glad you weighed in before gaining more. Sounds like you knew it was time. I haven't been at it long, just 5 weeks and 4 pounds lost but I feel like this site has made so much difference for me. You are an inspiration to folks like me. Good luck on your fresh start! Jackie
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I think we all struggle with being honest with ourselves, but also with grasping what is an actual serving! Until I started this, I had no idea how much some products have in them. Like a Crystal Light packet is not just one serving, but 2!:grumble:
    Then I believe our eyes try to deceive us. I swear I only had 1/2 cup of those mashed potatoes! But really I had 1 full cup, which is twice the servings, twice the calories!!!!!:noway: Ugghh!!! So Frustrating!
    And then you have to add in anything you use to cook with, like oil, butter, cooking spray. Like my husband used best blend cooking oil to cook dinner the other night, and when I looked at the label I could not believe it, 120 calories for 2 tbps!!!!!!!!:mad:
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Oh, and gum, don't forget GUM, it to has dreaded calories in it!!!:explode:
  • Lauren882
    Lauren882 Posts: 102
    I'm really glad you posted that, was a wake up call for me too.
  • snelfk
    snelfk Posts: 151 Member
    Boy, were speaking my part or what?? Well, I too am back on track, recommitted to exercising regularly again and watching those portions - not just overall calories. My biggest problem has been eating the entire bag of Mini BBQ Rice cakes! No more, they're not welcome at house anymore...
    BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member
    Truth Time

    I've cheated on tests.

    Is there an echo where U R at.
    Maximus Gump.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Truth Time

    I've cheated on tests.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    congrats on getting back on track.
    i was just telling my DH at dinner how obsessed i am at measuring/weighing everything. when i weigh my chips i will take off 1/2 a chip just because it is't exactly 1 oz. i just did it at dinner. my steak was 4 3/8. i put in my log 5 to cover it all. this is something i need to work on. i can't always have my scale and mearsuring cups with me, i need to relax some.
    good luck on you u-turn to get back on the right road.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone. Today was a good day. I've eaten healthy with no junk and no sugar, recorded everything and did a good workout.....

    Back on track :happy:
  • GaoLee
    GaoLee Posts: 65
    Thank you for posting this... I really needed to hear it cause me too... I wan to see what's good on paper thinking the scale will also lie for me not realizing I'll be hurting myself at the end.