Wanted: Motivation

I've been doing this for so long. I have lost, and I have gained some right back. I have worked myself out so hard that I could barely move and I have learned to love the calm that yoga and pilates give me. But sometimes, I feel exhausted with all of it. I am in one of those periods right now.

It isn't so much that I'm craving donuts as it is that I'm struggling to make myself log what I eat... even though it's usually pretty healthy. I'm not binge drinking or killing entire pints of ice cream. But it's almost like I'm being a petulant child about following the rules and doing what it is I know that I need to do to lose weight... log my food, exercise, drink water. I get frustrated that it isn't happening faster and I feel down when I look in the mirror. But I know that I have been disconnected. Phoning it in, if you will. Why do I do this? Am I the only one?

I decided that today is going to be the day that I start over... again. I'm going to force inspiration even if it isn't there. I'll work through it and be better for it if I just make myself push. No excuses. I can't lose the weight that I need to lose by passively eating healthy. I need to be aggressive about it.

Thanks for listening. This was mostly a topic written to myself, I think. I needed to put it out there in the world that I know I need to step my game back up. To remind myself of why I'm doing it. I have at least 50 more lbs to lose and I'm not going to get it done unless I keep my fire burning. (...................somebody cue up "Eye of the Tiger".......................)


  • tkiefe01
    tkiefe01 Posts: 72 Member
    HOnestly I am kinda in the same boat. I was doing great on here and then I stopped cause of some stressors in my life I could not control, gained most of the weight back and I just want to start over today was the day I chose as well. Gotta love mondays. Thanks!
  • Hey all weight loss is a massive challenge down to mood or health or just being lazy...keep in there u have made sucha massive progress since u frist started ur weight loss journey so keep at it !!

    good luk
  • Morglem
    Morglem Posts: 377 Member
    You can do it! Take a deep breath, get up and do it! Do it for yourself, because you deserve it! You are not alone! We all have our struggles. Give yourself a high five for losing 30 lbs and just keep going!!!!! :)
  • I'm re-starting so to speak as well...I too had lost motivation and had decided that what I really need to do is surround myself with others that are committed and to follow everything that is available right here!
  • MichelleF81
    MichelleF81 Posts: 98 Member
    logging all your food can be a drag but after a week or so of doing it you start to make better choices in order to stay within your calorie limits......and then you weigh in and you've lost a few pounds and suddenly logging all your foods is much less of a drag lol. It's not about being told what to do, no one here is judging you or shaking their head in disapproval at your choices.....it's just for your own benefit so you can be in control. Good luck :)
  • novalh42
    novalh42 Posts: 102 Member
    I am in the same boat and today is day 1 again for me too. Good luck to you!
  • Krohnie
    Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
    You are so not alone on this. Your post is exactly how I'm feeling this morning. I too have been "phoning it in" and wondering why I'm not seeing results. DUH. Today is a new day and we'll do it right. Not every day is going to be easy, but keeping the goal in mind and making healthy choices, we can get there. Good Luck with the new start! I'm off for a glass of water and some healthy breakfast (no meat bucket for me!!)
  • sclosson
    sclosson Posts: 120
    I logged in this morning to write exactly what you just wrote. I ate defiantly this weekend. even when I didn't really want another s'more, I had want just to say I could eat what I want. I love the results of my efforts so far, but I'm tired of the effort right now. Starting fresh this morning, though. Lots of water and oatmeal for breakfast. We can DO this!!!
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    bump to comment a bit later:wink::flowerforyou:
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Don't give up. Remember your reasons for doing this and put that in the forefront of your thinking.
  • greatangelrn
    greatangelrn Posts: 1 Member
    Every moment is a new moment to restart yourself. So you ate those office cookies and now you surpassed the amount of calories you wanted to. That doesn't mean the day is lost and that you might as well just eat all junk for the rest of the day. You made a small or in some cases big slip...so what. Congratulations you are living. Just take a moment acknowledge what you did and move forward and make better choices in the next moment. Just pick yourself up and keep moving forward (one moment at a time)
  • pavanneh
    pavanneh Posts: 65 Member
    I have gone through the same thing. The feeling of rebellion at hitting the button on my phone for MFP and then just not logging what I ate because I knew I ate too much or I just don't want to do it. I want to control what I eat, not let it control me and that is how I feel sometimes when it comes to losing weight. That no matter what, the food controls me in a manner of speaking. But, it is worth it and you can do it. You have made great progress. Everyone goes through these phases. Highs and lows, this is a low right now, but if you just keep going you find yourself on top again.
  • whimsy38
    whimsy38 Posts: 158 Member
    It is hard to keep the intensity up. Writing about it is an awesome step, probably the best. Another idea I have had, is to go read some weight loss inspiration. I know that when I read about someone else's success, it pumps me up to do the same. For me, I think it is even better to use audio books. It is kind of brain washing, but after just a bit, I'm all pumped and ready to do amazing things too!
  • soundjunkie
    soundjunkie Posts: 41 Member
    I decided that today is going to be the day that I start over... again. I'm going to force inspiration even if it isn't there. I'll work through it and be better for it if I just make myself push. No excuses. I can't lose the weight that I need to lose by passively eating healthy. I need to be aggressive about it.

    Thanks for listening. This was mostly a topic written to myself, I think. I needed to put it out there in the world that I know I need to step my game back up. To remind myself of why I'm doing it. I have at least 50 more lbs to lose and I'm not going to get it done unless I keep my fire burning. (...................somebody cue up "Eye of the Tiger".......................)

    No.......Thank you for posting! I'm in the same boat, been on "the plan" for three weeks, lost 4, gained it back. It seems like every plan I try lasts for about one month. I lose a few pounds, don't see the results I want and say "screw it". This weekend I totally lost my self control, eating ice cream, hot dogs, subs, chips...yadayadayada.

    I did do something RIGHT, however!!! I bought a smart phone and have this site in my apps! No more excuses! I also took a picture of myself to post on this site, but I was soo disgusted with seeing that "fatass-self" that I erased it. I just can not believe how grotesque I now look. The act of trying to post a picture of myself will serve as a constant reminder of why the hell I am here and doing this with all of you. For those of you wanting to lose 5 or even a 100 pounds, I am with you all the way. Please help me on my quest to lose 100 pounds. I'm pretty down today.
  • I have always suffered motivation problems I want to be healthy and I want to be fit - I think its a bit like a smoker quitting they try and try and get no where maybe staying quit for a week or two then something triggers them to light up again.... Its not until there is some major re-evaluation or shock that kicks that smoker into action and they stick it.

    I think its like that with food and exercise - with all the willpower in the world it is hard to stick to - forget past attempts look to the present if you stick to your eating plan for most days but have that slip up of a donut then don't get disheartened think to yourself "I am going to do a extra run this week" to make up for it

    I have currently had that little kick up the *kitten* and a few days I have said to myself I don't want to run today but I have said to myself there is no excuse Id only be sitting on my bum doing nothing and in an hour or so thinking to myself I should have gone on that run -- to be honest once I was on the run I was perfectly fine and I enjoyed the run
    the same with the food I have tried to cut back on everything but I have allowed myself the odd treat

    What I'm trying to say is not to get hung up on the negatives its easy to remember the extra piece of pizza you shouldn't have eaten rather than the fact you have had 4 days of eating salads

    I hope that's a little bit of a motivation :)
  • wow.. This is my first time reading the message board. It is like I could have written each post. Most "moments" I don't think I can do this. I do not have children, but my mom says losing weight is the hardest thing she has ever done, including stop smoking (after 42 years) and the labor of having 4 children ! I believe she is right. BUT she telling be all the time I CAN DO IT and STAY ON IT.....I have never heard "one moment at a time" but I LOVE IT! That is the best quote I have ever heard, and that is what life is. I have 100 pounds to lose and I CAN DO IT! Reading what you all wrote is a blessing. EACH OF YOU CAN DO IT!
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm in the same boat too and today is day 1 again for me
  • I actually just posted a blog about motivation and accountability today. I have been in this same boat and I just recently have found a few things that have helped me to keep going and do better then I have in the past. Feel free to look me up and view that blog post.
    Also somthing that I have done today was create a "Group" for accountability and Motivation called Fierce Fighters on FaceBook. The web address is: https://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#!/home.php?sk=group_106508512776382&ap=1 feel free to join and post in there as well to help others and ask for motivating tip or help to get you moving.
    I truely hope you stick to it because you are worth it and you are amazing already with just the effort you are putting forth to keep trying.
    Have an amazing day!