's and cons

ziggy67 Posts: 351
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
I am hypothyroid and I supplement my diet with extra vitamins and minerals because I've either read or been told I should take these for maximum health benefit and to give my thyroid a boost...I will take anything if I think it will do me good and I believe I feel better for taking the one's I do..even if I am only kidding myself. These are listed below:

Selenium 200mg
Magnesium 300mg
Zinc & Vit C
Fish Oil with omega 3 (EPA)
Co Enzyme 10

On top of these I drink only GREEN tea and water and I sprinkle heaps of cinnamon and sunflower seeds on top of some of my foods...

Does anybody have an opinion about any of I missing anything important? I really need to take all these or should I just save my money?
Any advice greatly appreciated.


  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member

    Check out what a learned doctor says from a Californian university.
  • nancymmorris
    nancymmorris Posts: 310
    I also have hypothyroidism and I am interested what everyone has to say about this.
  • semrants
    semrants Posts: 2
    Magnesium if your having lots of muscle pain/cramping
    Selenium (if you are over 45) or if you don't eat a diet rich in fruits and veggies
    Zinc & Vit C - I would eliminate unless you don't eat enough in your diet

    Fish Oil - KEEP always!
    CoQ10 - is a really good oxygenator but, you don't necessarily need to supplement with it unless you are on Cholesterol meds
    Garlic - good immune booster if you get sick all the time, anti aging. That one is cheap so I would keep taking it
    Ginger - unless you have nausea there is no need.

    I would do a high potency/ high quality multi
    fish oil or flax seed oil
    calcium/magnesium supplement (600 mg is plenty)
    Vitamin K2 and D3 (combination is prefered)

    You could also take kelp for your thyroid function but, NOT if you are on thyroid replacement medication.

    Hope this helps!
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Something you might want to add into your diet is 'SuperGreens'. Its gives a GREAT boost of multiple vitamins using fruits and veggies. My friend works for YorHealth, so currently, I am taking their SuperGreens, but go to your local vitamin shop (then buy on Amazon as it is probably going to be MUCH cheaper) to see what they recommend. I've felt GREAT since taking SuperGreens once a day with 20 oz's of water. I have been a cardio machine lately, which I haven't been able to do in the past, and the only thing that I have really changed is vitamins and adding SuperGreens.

    Warning: The taste isn't horrible, but its not great either. You might need to get used to it. For that, try adding in some apple juice at first.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Sorry for the double post >.<
  • ziggy67
    ziggy67 Posts: 351
    Thats really helpful Semrants..I forgot to mention I do take thyroid medication so I already knew that I couldn't take Kelp.
    I believe that Selenium is the next best thing for thyroid health and as I am 55 I will keep taking that. I take the Co Enzyme 10 with the garlic for heart health as I am aware that it is important to take care of the heart if you have a thyroid disorder....

    it is reassuring to have things confrimed and to know that I am doing something right! Thanks.
  • HappyHealthyHolly
    HappyHealthyHolly Posts: 84 Member
    I'm no where near a pro on any supplements, but I'd definitely ask your doctor if you can. My Mom got real big into Dr. Oz & The Doctors (on television) & when they would talk about supplements she's always look into them. At first I was interested too, but once the list keep growing I decided it wasn't what I wanted. I have to take certain medications daily, so popping more pills is not something I'm eager to do. I did start taking extra calcium & a daily vitamin & for a while I also took fish oil. Now that I'm using this program regularly I'm watching my vitamin levels & noticing that I don't really need the extras that I'm taking. I'm going to double check with my doctor, but I'm much rather get my vitamins from food rather than more pills.
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