Losing inches, not weight! Help...

I'm in my third week of P90 (just the first level, NOT P90X) and I've been fitting into smaller clothes/clothes have been fitting better, but the actual scale has not budged more than 5lbs.

I know there is a phase of muscle-building where I'm gaining muscle so I gain weight, but when will the scale actually start to move down? I tend to get discouraged at this phase, so I want to make sure I hve something to look forward to.

For actual workouts, I do one weight lifting workout (30m) to two cardio/fatburning workouts (41m) with one day off per week. I tend to do this in the evenings after dinner and I follow lifting workouts with a protein shake. I've also stayed under or at my calorie goal (eating back most of the workout calories) except for 1 or 2 days per week when I am over.

Thoughts? Encouragement from plus size ladies who have dealt with this before?


  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Why are you worried about what the scale says when you are obviously toning up and fitting into smaller sizes? The inches, not the actual weight of the should be what gives you the encouragement to continue.
  • sharidiane
    sharidiane Posts: 212 Member
    This exact thing happened to me with the 30DS, right around week 3. Stick with it, and maybe take a few 'recovery' days after the first 30 days.

    What someone explained to me is that your muscles, as you build them, form tiny tears, and these tears hold water. I don't know if that's what happened for me, but, stick with what you are doing!!!! I've posted this before - I lost like crazy in the first 2 weeks, then gained and lost the same pound for 3 weeks. Now, the scale just steadily goes down. Hang in there!
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I did P90x twice and didn't lose a pound, but what I did gain was lean muscle. To shed the extra weight I ended up doing Insanity. I can't answer for P90 because I have never done it, but everyone told me that I needed to lift heavier to lose more weight.
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    If you are obviously losing inches by fitting into smaller clothes, I dont think I would worry about the scale or the # it says. I know its discouraging but you are getting results.
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    The same thing is happening to me. I lost a bit, but now the scale isn't moving. My pants are looser these days, but the scale is showing me the same number.

    Don't worry. Sounds like you're doing everything right. You're building muscle and while it is denser and takes up less space on your body, that number on the scale isn't going to change right away.

    Don't be discouraged. When you have more muscle, your body will have to burn more calories to maintain it, so the scale will begin to move.

    As for me, as long as I see a positive change in my numbers, I'm happy. For example, I'm the same weight as my last weigh in, but I lost an inch off of my arms and an inch off of my tummy.

    Hope that helps, but I'm sure there is someone out there who can explain the science-y stuff better. *^^*
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    I didn't start losing while doing P90X until week 5. Keep going and doing what you are doing. The weight will soon catch up with the results you've been seeing.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I'm in my third week of P90 (just the first level, NOT P90X) and I've been fitting into smaller clothes/clothes have been fitting better, but the actual scale has not budged more than 5lbs.

    I know there is a phase of muscle-building where I'm gaining muscle so I gain weight, but when will the scale actually start to move down? I tend to get discouraged at this phase, so I want to make sure I hve something to look forward to.

    For actual workouts, I do one weight lifting workout (30m) to two cardio/fatburning workouts (41m) with one day off per week. I tend to do this in the evenings after dinner and I follow lifting workouts with a protein shake. I've also stayed under or at my calorie goal (eating back most of the workout calories) except for 1 or 2 days per week when I am over.

    Thoughts? Encouragement from plus size ladies who have dealt with this before?

    I don't know if this will work for you or not, but read the link below my ticker called My Journey. I was doing P90X, elliptical and strength training 6 days a week. I did leave one rest day, but I don't think it was enough for my body. When old injuries flared up, my workouts were stopped dead in their tracks and I had to focus solely on my food intake. I changed my meals plans, I watched my sodium intake like a hawk and I drank more water. I started to include more fruits and vegetables. I ate them, but not often enough. After 3 weeks I dropped just shy of 10 lbs. I had been stuck at the same weight for 3 months.

    It's weird what it takes to get an individual's metabolism going again. I recently had another plateau and didn't budge for 5-6 weeks. All I did was add dark chocolate as an evening snack. I lost 2.4 pounds in 7 days. I blogged about it. Strange, but true.

    I can almost guarantee that more exercise is not the answer. Take a really good look at your food diary. Amount of calories you are eating. Cutting out most of the processed foods. Adding fruits and vegetables. Drinking more water. Watch that sodium level carefully. Tweak your meals. Is breakfast your biggest meal of the day? Etc.

    Good luck to you! Hang in there... it will come!
  • kels67
    kels67 Posts: 41
    Same thing is happening to me, i am on my third week of Chalean Extreme Burn phase and the scale has not moved but i do notice things are beginning to tighten up! I would like to see the scale move though! Keep plugging along and hopfully it will move!
  • timlord
    timlord Posts: 158
    scales suck/people on this site worry too much about weight or pounds....I am a pro fitness trainer and if I get a client that lost 15 inches, 10 per bodyfat and no pounds they will blow anyone elses loss of 10 pounds out the door
    if you want some advice email me at lordsfitness@aol.com ps doctoral candidate in fitness good luck!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    First of all, If you are losing inches, that means that you are losing PURE fat. and that is AWESOME.. we all should re train our mind to focus on our body fat percentage rather than the number on the scale. (scales suck)

    Second. you do not build muscle that quickly... it is more likely water retention from working your muscles so hard. as soon as your muscles have time to heal then you will start losing that water weight and the number on the scale will go down.

    Third, read the link in my signature called "HOW TO BUST THROUGH A PLATEAU" it explains three factors to weight loss; weight lifting cardio and diet. If one of these is being done in over excessive or Under excessive amounts it will slow your weight loss. I dont' know how much you are eating, but with a heavy weight training program like that you MIGHT be eating too little.

    BUT in all honesty, I would try to get your mind off the scale, you are losing inches which is fat. which is GREAT! the scale is lame, and in my opinion a terrible judge of success.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Everyone that is worried about the scale rather than the inches needs to give themselves a round of applause… congratulations you have successfully been brainwashed by society.

    Losing inches means you are losing body fat, and that is all that matters. Who cares what the scale says? There is no such thing as “ideal weight”, you need to be concerned with body composition. I could show you 500 different men and women all at the exact same height, bodyweight and BMI and they would all look different; some would look good, some wouldn’t, because height, weight and BMI tell you nothing about how much fat vs. muscle a person is carrying.

  • craig1768
    craig1768 Posts: 44 Member
    First off, two congratulations. First is sticking with it, Second is on the inches lost. Totally awesome. Keep yourself focused on continuing your routine and the weight will come off. I have done 90x 3 times and to be honest... you are most likely going to lose the inches first. Once you lean down, the pounds will come with it also.

    A friend of mine did p90 and dropped weight like mad, but he had his diet down long before he started. Perhaps a review of your diet (not being critical, just pointing out an area to maximize results).
  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    I seriously upped the weights over the last week or two and I have gained 3lb - but I have lost 5 inches over 5 areas and got my waist under that dreaded 30 inch mark.

    I do know it is mostly water weight (could be a little extra muscle too as I look different - expecially my shoulders - and my thighs and obliques are rock hard) that I've gained. I know losing the inches is much more important. I know getting my waist under 30 inches theoretically puts me into a lower health risk bracket.

    But yes - seeing that scale go up/stay the same can be disappointing. I keep reading threads like this to encourage myself and to try to undo the 'scale fixation' I seem to have developed.

    Stick with it & try to focus on the inches. I'd say hide the scales!!! But I know I couldn't do that - yet.
  • sittingduck180
    Thanks every body -

    I am definitely happy about inches -- and I do think they are more important than the scale -- BUT when the scale is 333 for a 6ft woman, I think we could agree that's not a good number to keep around!

    I'll definitely keep pushing, because besides that I have energy for things that I didnt have three weeks ago. Now to turn my eye to food and see what the culprit is....
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Thanks every body -

    I am definitely happy about inches -- and I do think they are more important than the scale -- BUT when the scale is 333 for a 6ft woman, I think we could agree that's not a good number to keep around!

    I'll definitely keep pushing, because besides that I have energy for things that I didnt have three weeks ago. Now to turn my eye to food and see what the culprit is....

    If you felt like sharing your food diary, please feel free to add me as a friend! I keep mine open to all MFP friends if you need ideas too. I'm only .6 lbs from goal as of this morning. I'm down a total of 32 pounds and it feels great! Keep up your commitment and dedication to better health. Although it is frustrating at times... you ARE heading in the right direction. :)