Can I really do this?

Ever been confident in so many areas of your life EXCEPT weight loss? If so, maybe you can help me.

I'm tired of the yo-yo dieting, not willing to try the HCG diet of 500 calories a day that many of my friends are on, and wanting real and lasting change in my life. At the same time, I really wonder if I can do this. After so many false starts and no weight loss in the last six months, my self-confidence is a bit fragile... but I refuse to give up. Any words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated. I thought I could do it by myself, but that was not such a good idea. Looking for friends and support.



  • sarahazelnut99
    sarahazelnut99 Posts: 307 Member
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Oh i love that you are not wanting the HCG diet, if i had friends on it i would so show them how weight loss and being HEALTHY is really done. Get your daily calories set, find a good cardio to do like zumba, or walking/running and do some strength training and you will be running circles around those girls in no time. :)

  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    If I had known on day one how easy this change would be I would have been even more excited! Sure I've hit a plateau now but for the first time in my life I KNOW that if I keep on pushing through it I will succeed! There is a reason so mayn people swear by MFP and that is because abosolutley anyone can do this!

    Good luck!
  • tashajayne2011
    if I can do it then you can definitely do it!! I am 4 weeks in and 10lbs down - it could be more but this is a rest-of-my-life thing and frankly I don't see why I should feel bad or restricted by what I eat so I eat what I want - I just make sure I log it so I cannot lie to myself about what I am consuming!
  • tashajayne2011

    what the hell kind of answer is this!?!? wow!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member

    what the hell kind of answer is this!?!? wow!

    Totally agree! there is no place for this kind of comment.:angry:
  • sarahazelnut99
    sarahazelnut99 Posts: 307 Member

    what the hell kind of answer is this!?!? wow!

    Honey ive been on this site for 130 and been trying my best! nothing lost!
  • masonmst
    masonmst Posts: 84 Member
    This is a great thing!! I encourage you to do it!! Start now!! You can!! I know if I can, you will be a success. Find something that keeps you motivated to keep your goals. Make it REAL!! Make it HAPPEN!! Only you can do this for you. No one else can only you. Wish you the best of luck on journey. :flowerforyou:
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    Oh i love that you are not wanting the HCG diet, if i had friends on it i would so show them how weight loss and being HEALTHY is really done. Get your daily calories set, find a good cardio to do like zumba, or walking/running and do some strength training and you will be running circles around those girls in no time. :)


    I soooooooooo agree. We recently had a weight loss competition at work and the HGC dieters all won...BUT they are now all gaining their weight back...even faster than before. It might be slower to do it the right, and more healthy way, (exercise and calorie counting) but once you get that magic number of calories figured out, its almost easy (notice the almost)! It has become a way of life for me now...I never go hungry, I am fueling my body with what it needs, and am losing weight.

    It is a long journey, but the end will be soooo very rewarding. And after all this hard work, I know I will just be that much more determined to keep all the weight off once I reach my goal weight. You really can do this if you really want it. We are all here for you. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • kappy_hollowell

    you're not being supportive of our friend who needs our support. Just don't reply if you can't find something nice to say.

    YES, I feel like WHY am I doing this and I CAN'T do this, but the truth of the matter is yes I CAN DO THIS! AND YOU CAN DO IT TOO! That's why we all are here, we are all doing this together!
  • sarahazelnut99
    sarahazelnut99 Posts: 307 Member

    what the hell kind of answer is this!?!? wow!

    Totally agree! there is no place for this kind of comment.:angry:

    if someone is questioning themselves then they are going to struggle like i have..i realized yesterday i havent believed that id be able to do this for 130 perfect days of filling in everything i do and only 30% of the time going over. If my saying "no" really stops this person and slows them down then anything could of...if it motivates them then they may be on the right track
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    "HCG diet of 500 calories a day "

    i have no idea what HCG stands for... for 500 calories for the day?! that sounds like all day starving.

    Beauty about MFP is that, its not really a diet... its watching what you eat and how much of it you eat. When you start changing those things this all will become much easier.

    Think of this as a lifestyle change.

    Just begin logging everything that you eat... good or bad. Seeing it all written down puts much into perspective. Begin reading the nutritional facts on producs.

    you can surely do it! i'm down 12 in 35 days ad i'm a foodie through and through
  • amybrauch
    amybrauch Posts: 250 Member
    I have always been overweight. My whole family is overweight & everything we do revolves around food. This website is the only thing that I have ever stuck to for this long & the only thing that has ever worked for me. I have been doing it since January & some days I stick to it well & some days I don't, but I have lost 32 lbs and I just try to start each day new & not fret too much if I go over my calories sometimes. I do not consider this a diet & I do not tell myself that I cannot have certain foods. Logging foods has made me very aware of how many calories are in stuff & most days I just don't think it is worth it to eat the high calorie crap that I used to eat. Just being aware of calorie counts in foods & learning what portion sizes really are & holding myself accountable for the things I put in my mouth have really made a difference & I feel like I can stick with this for a long time and make better choices & hope. You can do this!!
  • tashajayne2011

    what the hell kind of answer is this!?!? wow!

    Honey ive been on this site for 130 and been trying my best! nothing lost!

    well then it means that YOU can't do it. Not the original poster! Having had a quick look at your diary I can see that you could try harder so saying that you haven't lost and that you are trying your best is not true - and I mean that in the most constructive way possible. I wish you the best of luck x
  • kappy_hollowell

    what the hell kind of answer is this!?!? wow!

    Honey ive been on this site for 130 and been trying my best! nothing lost!

    Then you need to try harder or try something else. Don't discourage others
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    If I had known on day one how easy this change would be I would have been even more excited! Sure I've hit a plateau now but for the first time in my life I KNOW that if I keep on pushing through it I will succeed! There is a reason so mayn people swear by MFP and that is because abosolutley anyone can do this!

    Good luck!

    I have thought this same exact thing--"Why didnt I figure this out sooner! LOL" I just got through a month long plateau and look to be right at the same pound loss as you....I wonder if there is something around that 30lb mark that slows us down? I broke through it by calorie cycling and lost 2 lbs this last week. One day at 1500--two days at 900, then repeat. Good luck!!
  • kbcakes
    kbcakes Posts: 84
    I felt the same way as you!! I've never had great success in losing weight in the past (although I have to admit that I really didn't try very hard). Then I found this site in the Apple App store. It's the best thing that's happened to me in the past few years!

    I too am looking to change my life style. I did not gain this weight overnight, and I know I can not lose it overnight either, and I am not getting any younger. I decided it was time that I starting taking better care of myself and I have.

    My goal is just one pound per week loss. Again, slow and steady wins the race, and I don't want to gain it all back. It just blows my mind that I've lost 20 pounds since January and have gone down almost 3 pant sizes, mostly from just watching what I put into my mouth. I wish I could say that I just love to exercise and drink water, but I don't. So I do what I can, when I can, and let the rest work itself out.

    Don't give in to the fads. You can do this without the gimmicks! This is a great place for support and encouragement. Feel free to add me as a friend! :flowerforyou:

    Good luck on your journey!!!:flowerforyou:
  • taralynn06
    taralynn06 Posts: 13
    I have felt the same way! I think for me, i have just gotten to a point of wanting to be healthier... (this is just recently so, no claim to some extreme weight loss here) but I have lost 23lbs so far... I think the issue for me was weighing in and not seeing much of a change and getting frustrated and quitting the diet... but when you make it about health at least for me, i've been able to stick with it longer because no matter what the scale says i am making progress with my body, i can run longer and have more energy, and that is something that i can celebrate--and wouldn't you know after a while your body does start to change and you do start shedding the weight (at least thats what seems to be happening for me at this point). I have to admit, I did the HCG diet for about a month...and while yes i did see dramatic weight loss at first; i heard about all the health concerns and i stopped (gained it all back very quickly) and here i am back at square one... and a lot of the places you get that stuff from doesnt even contain enough HCG to actually do what it says it will--you loose weight because you're only eating 500 calories... which will put your body into starvation mode... which can be another set back as well... i hate to say it because I have tried EVERYTHING, hydroxycut, slimquick, quicktrim, hcg, low-carb, no fat, juicing diets... and now with choosing healthier foods eating about 1200 calories a day (and thats a lot of food if you are eating the right foods) and exercise i'm finally seeing results... I know its hard, but you can do anything with the right mind set... best of luck :)
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    I am 42 years old, female, and i've had 7 kids. I've been overweight and sedentary for 15 years. Had lots of thyroid problems, gained 70 pounds, got depressed and didn't want to do anything.

    Had my thyroid removed for cancer two years ago, got all that treatment sorted out, and finally got my meds (and my moods!) stablilized. Decided late last year that i had to make a change for the better. Changed up my eating habits in December.

    In February, i started going to the gym, working out a couple of times a week with a trainer. After 6 weeks, i moved to a different trainer and increased my sessions to 3 a week. Right now, i'm working out 5 days a week with him, 1 hour sessions 3x and 2 hour sessions 2x.

    I have lost 40 pounds. It feels fabulous. On the days i don't hit the gym, i feel like i should. I've got more energy, a better outlook on life, i'm off my hypertension meds, and i FEEL AWESOME!

    Honey, if I can do it, you can too. Good luck on your journey, it's soooo worth it!