Fighting with myself.



  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    You have a history of very disordered eating, which in itself probably confuses the hell out of your metabolism; and you've had a baby, which is a fantastic thing but a hell of a shock to the system. Is it any wonder that your body isn't sure what to do next?

    I really think you should go back to your doctor and explain what you've told us (which, btw, was a very brave thing to do). Because it sounds like your whole relationship with food, physically, mentally and emotionally, is really difficult. And, you have a little girl now, and you want to be well for her, and to make sure her relationship with food doesn't go the same way. Go and ask your doctor to be referred not only in relation to your body's nutritional needs, but in relation to your mindset around it - so, to whatever kind of counselling or support they can offer you to help you work through it. It won't happen overnight, and it will be really hard, but you can do it. Good luck!

    Ditto!! Well said.
  • FatGirlSlim89
    I feel the same. I'm in the same place, had 7 years of an eating disorder, and I am wanting to just give up eating healthy because I'm used to seeing results fast with not eating. It's so hard, I don't want to relapse but at the same time it's so tempting- I know exactly what you're going through :(
  • kgs1292
    kgs1292 Posts: 4
    If you are use to large portions then you need to trick your mind. Basically put your meal on a really small plate. This way you feel like you have more food then what you do.. well your brain feels that way anyways. If your eating a hot dog.. slice it in half and use half the bun as well. This way you feel your eating two hot dogs vs one. Also I have heard great things about this new Weight Watchers that has come out. I haven't tried it but my friends love it. I can't excercise because of the chronic pain I have with Fibromyalgia, they say excercise is the key to beating the FMS but its to painful for me, I can only do 4 minutes max on anything if that. I have been in physical therapy tho for my ankle which helps a bit but once that is over I probably won't excercise anymore. I have never been a excercise nut nor will I ever be sadly. I wish I would be.