just joined!

:smile: First day on my fitness pal!! Looks like a great site! Looking forward to sharing my goals!


  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    Hello and welcome!! It's great on MFP and I find it very motivating as well as easy to use. Good luck with your health and fitness goals :smile:
  • Airliner
    Airliner Posts: 54 Member
    Welcome Aboard!

    You will find this site, if you stick with it, will be one of the best things you ever did! It wil lead you to make better choices and control your weight in a healthy, sustainable way. There are many, many savvy people here from whom you can learn a lot.

    Use it every day. Put it on your phone, if you can, and integrate it into your life.

    A few minutes a day has changed my life completely!

    Best wishes to our new friend!