Anybody use the Endomondo app for iPhone or Droid??

I just discovered this awesome app on my Droid... Check it out!! We can all support each other and it's FREE! I don't have any Endomondo friends yet, but it says you can support each other LIVE during your ride, run, walk, etc... How cool would that be to be able to cheer each other on during our actual exercise!?

Check it out and friend me (shezarednek) if you wanna try it out. I love the GPS tracker especially when I'm mountain biking. Good luck everyone!!

(Or, if you know of a better app, I'll try something new too!)



  • juliakientzy
    I have been using it for a couple of months cause the Nike+ did not support biking. I love it.
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    I have it on my phone, used it a couple of times, but prefer Runkeeper, so gone back to using this for my runs! Thanks for the invite though
  • shezarednek
    Awesome!! Wanna be my first friend? :happy:
  • shezarednek
    Way to go Mum on your 22 lbs!!

    I was using My Tracks, but it told me I rode 226 miles on Sunday... Although I felt like I had ridden that far, I hadn't, so I ditched the app and am trying Endomondo. I think I love it. I'll keep Runkeeper in mind, though, should this one ever fail me :)
  • beckymorris68
    beckymorris68 Posts: 44 Member
    I've been using it for months and love it! Better than adidas MiCoach and you can use the web site to view your stats as well. Fab programme!
  • vjles
    vjles Posts: 91 Member
    I have tried a few apps this year. I started with Endomondo and even paid for the Pro version. I found it to be very solid and I do like the website display, monthly total, etc. Last year I had used Tracker that was on my Cybershot phone but had nowhere to display the results. I was able to import 50 runs from the Cybershot phone last year into Endomondo, nice! Now I still import all my runs to Endomondo just for completeness.

    I then had an excursion with Runkeeper which gives more useful feedback i.e. can read out your "average pace" since the start of your activity. You can also choose the interval for the readouts or non at all. I found this much more useful when racing than Endomondo's mile interval readout.

    Addidas finally released MiCoach for the Android system. I had been looking forward to using this app. Then I found that it will not allow you to "share" your route. It also cannot import or export the GPX file generated. However, if you are interested in interval training for specific events then nothing else comes close. MiCoach is excellent for that. I found that the readout gives "current pace' NOT "average pace" which I didn't care for.

    I returned to Runkeeper just before they did some major updates a couple of weeks ago. Now you can have "average pace" AND "current pace" read out. Same with heart rate if you use a HRM belt. I find the feedback very useful, they have other upgrades to the app that they are working on. I still output the GPX and import it into Endomondo for completeness. Dunno how long I will do this as I'm staying with Runkeeper now.

    A very useful feature on the Runkeeper website for those that run on roads. You can select "routes" and draw a route with "snap to roads" ticked. Only a few clicks will draw the route around the path of the roads. I found this great when planning a new route to get an idea of how far it will be instead of having to click on every corner and ever bend in the road.

    These are my thoughts and opinions, your experience may be different.
    Hope this helps.
  • vjles
    vjles Posts: 91 Member
    Oh, just a couple of little tips for those that use these apps with any Smartphone; least once per week remove the phones battery for 10-20 seconds then replace. This "resets" or "re-boots" the software so that the phone will link up with the satellites much better. They all get sluggish over time and take longer and longer to link up to the satellites and lose connection sometimes.

    ........also, turn off the phones wi-fi for better connection (and save battery use).
  • shezarednek
    Thank you!!! That's soooo helpful! :)